Photo Credit: Bass Canyon
July 27, 2019 | 1 COMMENTS

Donā€™t you hate it when you get inside a festival only to realize that you forgot your hand fan or chapsticks or even worse your ticket or ID?! This has happened one too many times to almost every one of my friends, including me. Itā€™s so stressful not having what you need or what with you. This Bass Canyon packing list will have everything you need to be ready for Bass Canyon 2020

Bass Canyon Packing Checklist:

The Essentials

  • Tickets/wristband Camping pass (for most Gorge events, the camping pass is purchased separately so make sure you have the festival ticket/wristband AND the ticket for your camping spot!
  • ID (use a government-issued ID like a driverā€™s license, passport, identification card. If your ID is expired, bring the old license along with your papers or proof of renewal and you are good to go!)
  • Hydration packĀ (Make sure to always stay hydrated!)
  • Earplugs (I always recommend ravers carry musiciansā€™ earplugs, especially those going to lots of shows and festivals- itā€™s always horrible to go home nearly deaf that night and to have your ears ring as you try to sleep! The cheap disposable foam ones work as well)
  • Sunglasses
  • Chapsticks (sealed)
  • Gum (sealed)
  • Portable phone chargers

Camping Essentials

  • Tent- stakes, rainfly and tarp Canopy- using sheets, tapestries, blankets Lounge chairs (the blown-up ones work well and are allowed into the festival too!)
  • Sleeping bags
  • Air mattress and pump (vs sleeping bags for extra comfort!)
  • Pillows
  • Blankets (it can get pretty chilly at night sometimes)
  • Flashlight/camping lanterns
  • Zip ties
  • Duct tape
  • First aid kit
  • Scissors
  • Hammocks
  • Portable speakers (just be respectful of hours when playing music around neighbors)

Food and Drink Essentials

  • Non-perishable snacks and meals- trail mix, protein bars, fruit, beef jerky, any other of your favorite foods!
  • Portable grill with grill-ready foods
  • Hydrating drinks -Ā  Gatorade, coconut water, vitamin water, Alcohol (for 21+ guests) Hydrating Pro tip - buy packets of aĀ  Gatorade to bring inside the festival, then you can still get your electrolytes once inside the venue by adding packets to your hydration pack!
  • Coolers- you can buy packs of ice on the campsite!
  • Paper towels
  • Silverware, plates, and cups (go for reusable and rinse after using!)
  • Trash bags Extra cash for food vendors at the campsite and inside the music festival (keep most of it locked inside your car)
  • Clothing Essential Cute rave wear!
  • Check out the selection on to get inspiration for rave fits! Jackets (nighttime can get chilly so be prepared for all kinds of weather with layers)
  • Rain jacket/poncho
  • Comfortable shoes (bring an extra pair in case one gets wet or dirty or lost!)
  • Lots of socks
  • Mask/bandana (protection from the dust and dirt)
  • Hats
  • Pashmina
  • Shower shoes/sandals
  • Lots of extra clothes!!
  • Neckbrace (recommended for headbangers)

Hygiene Essentials

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Soap
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Towel
  • Shaving items
  • Sunscreen (non-aerosol)
  • Bug spray (non-aerosol)
  • Wet wipes
  • Chapsticks
  • Eye drops
  • Contact solution and cases
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Tampons/pads
  • Condoms


  • Kandi!
  • Flow toys, poi, gloves, and hoops
  • LED lights
  • Costumes
  • Festival totem (learn how to make your own festival totem!)
  • Be sure to check out a complete list of festival rulesĀ here.


This list will have you completely ready for a weekend of camping and headbanging bass! Itā€™s always best to bring more than not have enough, so bring whatever you need to have a blast for a weekend at the Gorge! Make sure that whatever you bring in, you bring out. Donā€™t litter, and put trash in designated areas. I had an amazing time camping at the Gorge my first time for Bass Canyon last year, and I felt like I was underprepared at sometimes! It was chillier than I expected. Luckily, you have this list to go over for everything you need! Make sure to double-check the rules and prohibited items here, which also has FAQs.

Tickets are still available hereĀ and you definitely do not want to miss out this year. Bass Canyon will be a crazy, weekend full of lots of bass and headbanging!

Hammock at the Gorge during Bass Canyon

Photo Credit: Bass Canyon



kamile said:

this list of essentials is amazing and really helpful and for sure im going to use this list for Bass Canyon.

xoxo kamile

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