March 08, 2024 | 0 COMMENTS

VASSY, crowned as the Queen of EDM, first debuted her musical genesis in the industry as her Australian-bred and LA-based singer-songwriter-self. As the genesis progressed in her soulā€™s desire to demonstrate the regal chart-hitting nature of her vocal expression, collaborative tracks ā€œBadā€ with David Guetta and ā€œSecrets'' with TiĆ«sto ultimately transformed her into a multi-platinum record artist.

With more than just ranking #1 on the charts, she swam, drowned, and caught her breathful song of passion in the underrepresented waves of pioneering a creative path in the male-dominated music industry. Because VASSYā€™s impact in EDM is an example for other aspiring female artists to affirm their creative path is worthy and possible to pursue, she was awarded the first female winner of the 2023 EDMA Icon Award.

Making monumental herstory (not history) and taking steps forward for EDM-womankind, the Queen of EDM has recently reconnected with her genre-defying sound in an effort to resurrect from her creative claustrophobia. The jazz-indie-pop-artist-turned-EDM-queen showcases Supreme, a 7-track LP of VASSYā€™s tastebreaking discography powering reggaetĆ³n-inspired ballads, victorious song titles, and most importantly, her strength in authentic self-expression.

I, Mary Mason, on behalf of savormeditation was granted the opportunity to celebrate Womenā€™s History Month this March by discussing with this figure in EDM royalty about female empowerment, perseverance in the face of rejection, and joyful determination that flourished in the creative process of Supreme.

iHR: VASSY, thank you very much for your time! ā€œSupremeā€ is a song of high self-confidence and powerful self-affirmation. It inspires me as a listener to look at myself as the apple of my own eye. How do you stay true to feeling like your most authentic self?Ā  Ā 

Vassy: By remaining true to myself despite feeling like ā€˜i donā€™t belongā€™ or not part of some click or club. I have always been a bit of an outsider in most things throughout life and that's ok with me because I have to live with myself so as long as I love what I see or love who I am that's what matters most. It also helps to have friends and family out of the business to be surrounded by people who do important things like save lives, screen for cancer, operate on animals, study marine life or climate change. Just try to keep a diverse group of friends and positive people around you that you can learn from and be inspired.Ā 

iHR: I would love to know more about your creative process for your newest 7-track album, Supreme! Why did you feel this was the perfect title for the album?Ā 

Vassy: I am in a Supreme state of mind and in a supreme part of my life. I say this because I feel supreme, I am supreme in the sense that I feel at peace with myself and who I am and what I do and who I have become. It is a supreme state of mine, an inner peace, it sets the tone for the album and where I am at in my life is a very supreme chapter.Ā 

iHR: Since Womenā€™s History Month is happening in March, how have your female-led friendships/relationships shaped you into the woman you are today?

Vassy: I have a very diverse group of friends who are all amazingly beautiful strong women, some vulnerable, some emotive but all very strong. The women who raised me were all strong amazing women who had courage and took chances and were not afraid to speak up and be bold. My grandma, who we call ā€˜giagiaā€™ its Greek for grandmother, was as tough as it gets, fought 2 wars, raised two daughters as a window on her own, raised cattle and ran her own agricultural farmā€¦ she was truly a hero to us all. My mum and my sister are both strong women. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many incredible remarkable women. I have many female friends who are proud of my success and I am proud of theirs, we support one another and hold each other up.Ā 

iHR: Being a woman in a creative yet male-led industry, how did you remain determined during moments of doubt or rejection before your music started to rise to popularity?

Vassy: My philosophy in life is that Rejections are simply Redirections!!! It is a very male dominated space in the dance world and at times it can be really frustrating for me and most women to have to deal with so many guys and their egos, we get bullied at times too by men where they probably would not have the guts to do that to a guy, we also get called bossy or Divaā€™s if we know what we want or say what we want where as boys can do the same and that's just called getting down to business.. There are double standards gets tedious ..ā€¦ā€¦.as I say it may be a boys club but it's a woman's world!!

iHR: With positive, joyful song titles on Supreme like ā€œPursuit of Happinessā€ and ā€œGood TImes Rollā€, what inspires you to share the concept of happiness in your discography? I find it heart-touching by the way!

Vassy: Awww thank you I think because I was genuinely happy at the time that or i pretended to be lol but fake it till you make it!! Just kidding but also not, you know if the body leads the mind will follow ... .What I mean by that is if you believe in the laws of attraction philosophy in that if you say things in a positive way you attract positive energy. It is you who manifests your dreams and future as Kevin Costner once said in the movie ā€˜Field Of Dreamsā€™ If you build it, they will comeā€ Ā In my mentoring i have always encourage kids to dream out loud and not be afraid to speak out their dreams and goals of who they want to be and what they want or want to become. So I try to also practice what I preach. Plus honestly it was so much bloody fun making this LP!! Playing with all the genres of music the freedom to be me with no pressure was invigorating.Ā 

iHR: From the bottom of my heart, congratulations on earning the 2023 EDMA Icon award! It was well-deserved and your impact is prevalent for many women (including myself) in EDM. How does it feel to be the first female winner of this award?

Vassy: Insanely amazing. I am an Aussie girl from a very remote little town up north in Australia where they shot crocodile dundee and grew up in an ethnic household with immigrant parents, I mean I had every obstacle you can imagine ahead of me to face including coming to America where i knew no one, had no one and was a no one all over again. I had to start from ground zero and build myself and become someone again to be noticedā€¦ and here I am a multi platinum Icon ā€¦If I can do it anyone can just have to believe in Yourself, put in the world. I feel proud to lead the way for many other female ICONS to come :)

iHR: Because youā€™re a beacon of inspiration for so many in the EDM community, what is one piece of advice that still helps you pioneer your music career today?

Vassy: Rejections are Redirections. Stick to plan A, once there's a plan B you have already compromised plan A. And remain authentically yourself.Ā 

iHR: ā€œOur Momentā€ influences listeners to reclaim their inner personal power in empowering self-belief. Why was it important for you to write these strong lyrics?Ā 

Vassy: Because I am a huge advocate for Love is Love, all for one and one for all, equal rights we are one and soonā€¦ i bleed you bleed, i cry you cry, i eat you eat ... .the moment is now we have one shot at life our moment to be authentic to be alive to speak our truth.Ā 

iHR: From rainbow outfits and yellow feather capes, your performance outfits look so fun and expressive! What are your favorite clothing items or accessories you like to wear on stage?

Vassy: Haha, I love colors I am literally a rainbow child and i wish my super power was flying so i have a thing for feathers hahahah and no it's not some weird kinky thing, i love feathers because they are soft and natural yet powerful because of their ability to give you freedom and independence, each feather gives you the ability to fly, spread your wings and take off metaphorically speaking and literally.Ā 

iHR: What is next in store for you this year? Any upcoming project details youā€™re allowed to share with your fans at this time?

Vassy: Yes, my current single Krazy is #3 right now across the US at dance radio across the US, by the time you print this it may be #1, fingers crossed. My new single comes out and I have new releases coming out next month and in May plus shows in California, Australia and in Miami at the EDMA Awards.Ā 

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