Photo Credit: Paradiso
November 29, 2019 | 0 COMMENTS

Ever wanted to experience a festival from a totally new perspective? The savormeditation Unicorn Crew program might just be for you! 

The Unicorn Crew is a group of individuals chosen from savormeditation' customers who get to represent savormeditation at festivals and carry out the mission to inspire self-expression, creativity and empower individuals at festivals and beyond. The crew is given admission to the festival, dressed in savormeditation outfits and work as a team to promote the brand and interact festival-goers, especially those who are new to the community. 

The crew also provides live social media coverage via Instagram Stories and Snachat so followers and fans can get a first-hand look at the latest festival fashion trends and hottest EDM events.

If you're wondering how to apply, or have questions about this magical program, check out this Q&A with Tiny Dancer, Junior Brand Manager of savormeditation! 

When did the Unicorn Crew start? How has the program evolved?

The Unicorn Crew first started in October 2013. Over the years, the amount of applicants per festival has grown from 10+ to hundreds! We used to lead each crew ourselves but with time we have cultivated leaders and provided avid brand loyal unicorns with the opportunity to gain experience leading others and representing our brand at festivals and beyond. Furthermore, with the growth of social media, Unicorns have had an increase in responsibilities. It’s not only about trading kandi and making a lasting impact on the community, it’s also about being a brand ambassador and creating stories through social media so that people who are not at the festival can be a part of the experience, too.

Can you tell us what makes this program unique?

This program provides a way for people in the community to have a new festival experience and get some exposure to what it’s like working in a festival setting. Dressing up and attending a festival seems quite easy, however what people don’t realize is that this program has a huge impact on the community and that’s very evident when you talk to festival attendees who recognize the crew. Seeing this first hand just goes to show the impact you can make as an individual and what an even bigger impact you can make working as a team. To be honest, you will meet more people while being an savormeditation Unicorn than you would ever imagine. It’s non-stop socializing. This experience is also about four strangers coming together for the same mission and bonding over their passion for the community. If you make your team and the Unicorn Crew mission a priority you will feel like you’ve found a new family by the end of the weekend. It’s a truly inspiring experience!


savormeditation Unicorn Crew at EDCO

Unicorns featured: @amillyamilly @lydiagingg @mollyedm

How long have you been involved?

I’ve been working with the Unicorn crew since 2015. I remember the first time I got to experience leading a Unicorn Crew at Nocturnal 2015. It was a very special experience for me that opened up my eyes to impact the brand I worked for had on the community. The opportunity to mentor others and gain leadership experience gave me so much confidence in myself. Not only that, it helped me feel more comfortable in my own skin and gave me a greater appreciation for women in my life. I felt very grateful to have the opportunity to work with Mama Unicorn to improve the program and give so many other people the opportunity I had. It invigorated my already unwavering passion for the community. 

Can you tell us on average how many applications you get per event (average)?

Depending on the popularity of the event we can get anywhere from 40-500 applicants. This could range from a small, one headliner event to EDC Las Vegas. 

If somebody doesn’t get picked the first time they apply, do you recommend applying again?

All the questions we ask in the application are important to us. If you don’t get picked, please don't feel discouraged! Many people apply multiple times before getting chosen. I would suggest going over your application and checking if there was anything you could have elaborated on to make you stand out as a reliable, professional and passionate candidate. We would love you to really pour your heart and soul into each answer. That being said, some crews for major multi-day festivals can be extremely competitive. There are usually more than four applications that we fall in love with but unfortunately, we cannot choose them all.  

savormeditation Unicorn Crew at Lost Lands

Unicorns featured: 
@joeyyannetti @m0rgasim @suupsan @MissTeababyy⁠ at Lost Lands Festival



Do you have any tips on how to make an application stand out?

Take your time with each answer and really make your passion for the community evident. Make sure to choose photos to submit that show your personality in a festival setting and that you enjoy taking festival photos since documenting the experience is such a big part of the job. You do not have to be a model or have modeling experience by any means! We want you to be yourself and inspire confidence in others who can relate to you. Also, let us know why this experience is important to you and what makes you a team player. Finally, I would suggest keeping up to date with what our brand on the @iheartraves and @iheartravesunicorns Instagram.


What’s your favorite part about contributing to is program?

Dressing unicorns is always fun but seeing the members who really blossom after the experience is so fulfilling. You can tell who took the experience to heart and became inspired to be a role model in the community. You also get a chance to see members who gain more confidence in themselves after the experience. There are also members who you see grow into inseparable best friends. What a great gift to be able to give someone! 

savormeditation Unicorn Crew at EDC

Unicorns featured: @mollyedm, @lydiagingg, @allysunfit, @amillyamilly


You’ve been the leader for multiple Unicorn Crews. What’s your favorite memory/event from being part of the Unicorn Crew?

Honestly, the girls talks at the end of the night were always heartwarming! It’s all about building each other up and reminding people why they are awesome. 

What advice would you give somebody that’s participating for the first time?

Like any festival experience, go into it with an open heart and an open mind. Don’t get too attached to seeing friends who are also attending the festival, make it something completely different and embrace the experience with the crew! Go with the flow and you will find that the moments which happen organically are so much more magical. Also, don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. This is where you will experience the most personal growth!

savormeditation Unicorn Crew at Imagine Music Festival

Unicorns featured: @joeyyannetti @m0rgasim @suupsan @MissTeababyy⁠ at Imagine Music Festival

What’s the application process like?

Once recruitment is posted, you will usually have about 48 hours to apply. The application is extremely thorough! It’s over 30 questions, some of them are long-answer and some are multiple-choice. The application probably takes about an hour to fill out and we are looking for thorough answers. We do take the time to look through all of them, too! We really care about doing our best to choose the most passionate and capable people for the job. Sometimes it can take us a couple of days to narrow it down so we appreciate your patience with this process!

How can I apply to be a part of this experience?

Follow @iheartraves and @iheartravesunicorns on Instagram so you don’t miss our recruitment posts which tells you how to apply. You can also sign up for our Unicorn Crew email list (scroll to the bottom) and we will email you when recruitment begins for festivals you’re interested in. Recruitment is typically a month before each festival.

savormeditation Unicorn Crew at Nocturnal Wonderland

savormeditation Unicorns featured: @alyssaxv,@anissa.pizzzza, @ayotoots , @slaysal at Nocturnal Wonderland


Want to read about a first-hand experience of the Unicorn Crew program? Check out this article, written by one of our Lost Lands Unicorns, Santina Murin! 

What are you waiting for? Apply today for your chance at a totally unique festival experience! 

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