savormeditation - savormeditation Blog - Festival Fashion and Rave Culture 2024-09-27T15:00:03-07:00 savormeditation 2017-10-26T08:30:00-07:00 2022-03-03T12:58:03-08:00 How You Know It's PLUR Alex Jennison A lot of people outside the rave community ask me what it means to be PLUR, how people express it, and basically, what PLUR is in general. Frequently, I find myself explaining that PLUR can be anything from doing random acts of kindness to letting the people you love know that you love them.

Although it can be conveyed and experienced in our everyday lives, there's nothing like those moments when you're at a festival where you truly feel the meaning of PLUR.


A lot of people outside the rave community ask me what it means to be PLUR, how people express it, and basically, what PLUR is in general. Frequently, I find myself explaining that PLUR can be anything from doing random acts of kindness to letting the people you love know that you love them.

Although it can be conveyed and experienced in our everyday lives, there's nothing like those moments when you're at a festival where you truly feel the meaning of PLUR.

It's being a little too nervous to wear something, but doing it anyway — and absolutely rocking it.

PLUR is that slight pang of guilt from spending just a bit too much on kandi supplies melting away as soon as you trade someone their first piece. Especially seeing someone get stoked on something that you made!

It's when you realize your rave fam actually embodies the definition of family, in every way, shape, and form.

It's the moments where you find yourself throwing your head back, singing at the top of your lungs. Hands in the air. Wind on your cheeks. Reveling in the moment. Where suddenly, you know you are right where you need to be.

There's something strangely beautiful in the idea that everyone at a festival is in their own unique place in life. Everyone is vastly different than the person next to them, and yet, they aren't if you really think about it. We're all just trying to live our lives and be who we're meant to be. And we all love this crazy magic thing called raving enough to gather in one place, dance with strangers, and spread the love.

And we wouldn't have it any other way :)

]]> 2017-10-24T08:30:00-07:00 2022-03-03T12:56:17-08:00 9 Fun Ways to Keep Your Kandi Organized Alex Jennison You'll still be a mess (probably), but I'm about to give you the tools you need to take back some control of your kandi making space.



I distinctly remember the first time I decided to make kandi. Maybe you found yourself in a similar situation. Sitting in front of nicely organized bead box you found on Amazon. Maybe you were like me and thought, "Oh, I'll probably only make singles."

Laugh. Out. Freaking. Loud.

Soon, you're making doubles. Then cuffs. Then 3D cuffs. But the 3D cuffs look like they're missing something so you buy a bucket of perler beads and pretty soon, you have more beads than you can keep track of, even more shipping tomorrow, and when you look around you realize that this is probably symbolic of yourself: A giant, unorganized, albeit fun and colorful mess.

Don't worry, fam. You'll still be a mess (probably), but I'm about to give you the tools you need to take back some control of your kandi making space.

Bead organizers from Walmart

Bead organizers are by far the easiest and most straightforward things to get to store your beads and kandi supplies. You can find them pretty much anywhere and best of all, they're usually inexpensive! They also come in lots of different sizes. You're bound to find the perfect one for you.

Clean Food Containers

Not all of us can justify spending money specifically on bead organizers, but we can justify spending money on ice cream (just go with it). Reusing food containers saves money and kills two birds with one stone: You get to eat, and your beads aren't all over the place. Just make sure to wash your containers first!

Fishing Tackle Box

Of all the things on this list, this one has to be my favorite. They are pretty much everything you could ever ask for in terms of bead organization, variety in sizes and compartments, and best of all, they are incredibly inexpensive! My own tackle box has multiple trays with dividers. It's absolutely amazing for separating beads by color because I don't know about you, but just seeing them all nicely organized makes me so much happier on a weird spiritual level. On top of that, there's usually extra space at the bottom of the box. I usually keep extra beads, my string, a pair of scissors, and other charms or small things to put on kandi in the bottom. When you're not making kandi, tackle boxes conveniently lock and have a handle for easy transportation! This is the one I have.

Craft Cabinet

This one is along the same lines as the tackle box, although, not as portable. If you have a designated space that you sit at when you make kandi, a craft cabinet would be great to have since you could keep it in that spot. Craft cabinets usually have lots of drawers and compartments, sometimes varying in sizes. Although I don't have one already, this is one that I definitely have my eye on!

Command hooks (for displaying special ones)

This one isn't for storing loose beads, but it might come in handy for hanging up finished creations. Show off those necklaces, cuffs, masks, and more. On a similar note, thumbtacks work just as well for this use in most cases. If you don't mind putting little holes in your walls, they're definitely a cheaper alternative — which means more money to spend on kandi supplies.

Clear over the door shoe holder (for display, storing ones you receive, or storing supplies)

Okay. I'll admit this probably isn't the easiest or most efficient way to store beads and other supplies, but I thought I'd throw it out there because it's definitely something I've considered. A clear, over-the-door shoe holder can be a fun way to separate beads by color or display pieces of kandi you've gotten in the past. If you're going to use it to store beads, make sure you put them in ziploc bags too — just in case it falls off the door or something. You could also label each pocket by year, event, or both and keep pieces of kandi you get from other people in there. This one could also be great for storing finished cuffs and other things that are tough to hang with hooks.

Mini Ziploc Bags

Usually, regular sized ziploc bags do the trick, but more often than you think, they are way more than you need. You can find smaller sized plastic bags in the jewelry or craft section. They are perfect for storing extra beads that you don't have too many of, and they make storing the extras easier since they're so small. I like to put several smaller bags of beads into the regular sized ones.


Large Tote Bags

You know, like the kind you see in the checkout line at grocery stores. If you pick the right kind, they are not only large but sturdy and reliable. Large tote bags can function as the big bin (see below), but I like to use mine for transporting supplies if I am making kandi away from my usual spot (where everything is). I brought mine filled with some kandi supplies to Nocturnal where I made kandi during my downtime at the campground.

Big Bins

No matter how sorted out and nicely organized your beads are in bead organizers, tackle boxes, etc, you're going to need one centralized thing to keep them in. And that, my friends, is where the big generic bin comes in. Cardboard boxes, rubbermaid tubs, large reusable tote bags, and more all fall under big generic bin. If you don't already have a designated kandi shelf and/or space (trust me, some of us do) then it helps a lot to have at least one bin to keep all your kandi supplies in. That way, you can put the whole thing in a closet or under your bed until your next kandi sesh.

]]> 2017-09-12T00:00:00-07:00 2022-03-03T14:08:23-08:00 11 Festival Essentials You Don't Know You Needed Dot Yuson Because this article isn’t about the basics. Let’s talk about the things you’ll want that nobody really tells you about. Some say the smart man learns from his mistakes, but the wise man learns from the smart man’s mistakes. 


If you’ve been to a festival, you pretty much have an idea of what the essentials are. Fanny pack or backpack? Check. ID? Got it. Water bottle or Camelbak? Yup. Good.

But what about the more secret festival essentials?

Because this article isn’t about the basics. Let’s talk about the things you’ll want that nobody really tells you about. Some say the smart man learns from his mistakes, but the wise man learns from the smart man’s mistakes. Take this chance to be the wise man (er, wise raver?). Here are some things (I like to think of as secret festival essentials) I’ve found come in handy from my own experiences.

11 Festival Essentials You Don't Know You Needed:


Double-Sided Fashion Tape

For all my rave goddesses out there who like to wear thigh-highs, this might just be the thing you always wanted but didn’t know you could get.

Enter double-sided fashion tape.

Peel off the protective backing on one side and stick that bad boy on your leg, then peel off the other side and pull your stocking/sock up and stick it onto the tape. Your thigh-highs should keep from slipping for at least a few hours, though you might need to change out the tape once or twice during the night if you get sweaty from dancing.

Double-sided fashion tape isn’t just for socks either. You can also use it for other tricky pieces like wayward straps or shifting necklines. Just follow the instructions above for whichever part of your outfit is giving you trouble and dance the night away!


Emergen-C Or Other Vitamins

Music festivals are not cheap to get into. That’s why it would seriously be a bummer if you got sick during the weekend. And although you may not get sick during the actual festival, you have a higher chance of getting sick right after. Hey, you’re not the only one tired and recovering from the weekend of partying — so is your immune system.

My friends and I like to keep Emergen-C or other vitamin tablets back at our hotel or campsite. We like to start taking our vitamins a few days before the festival, during the festival, and after the festival just for good measure.


Schedule/Map/Driver License

If you find yourself always pulling out your phone and going to the trouble to unlock it to check your schedule, take a screenshot and set it as your lock screen. Save yourself the trouble! If you already know your schedule by heart, then a screenshot of the festival map (at least for the first day before you find your way around) can be great too.

Another trick I like to do with my lock screen is taking a picture of my driver’s license next to a little note with my boyfriend’s number. The key is to put down a trusted person’s number and/or someone you’ll most likely be around the whole time. That way, if your phone gets lost the person who finds it will be able to get a hold of you relatively easily. At the very least, they might just be able to get it back to you somehow since your address should be on your license.

Shoe Insoles

Even the comfiest pair of shoes still don’t completely prevent foot pain after two to three days of nonstop dancing and being on your feet. Show your feet some love with a pair of shoe insoles. Honestly, you can probably get away with not wearing them if you’re already in comfortable tennis shoes, but if you’ll be wearing Converse, short boots, and really just anything without much support, shoe insoles will make a world of difference. I wore black short boots with shoe insoles to both days of Beyond Wonderland 2017 and had zero foot pain after. If you really don’t want to sacrifice cute shoes for comfort like I didn’t, definitely look into some insoles.

Butterfly Wings

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I saw these butterfly wings on IHR, and for the longest time, I debated with myself on whether or not I should actually get them. I really, really wanted them, but I just couldn’t justify getting them on my college budget. Eventually, I ended up being gifted them by my boyfriend (thanks, Babe). I used them as soon as I could, and I could not even believe how much fun they were. They made me feel so free and cute, plus I got so many compliments. I knew pretty much immediately that I wouldn’t have regretted a cent if I had gotten them myself. In fact, I was kicking myself for not getting them sooner! Nevertheless, I am so grateful to my boyfriend for getting them for me because now I wear them to every festival I go to.

Get your butterfly wings here.

Wet Wipes

Porta-potties, portals to hell, whatever you want to call them. There’s no getting around it. You’ll have to use one at some point during the festival. When that time comes, you’re probably going to wish you had some wet wipes on hand. Luckily for you now that you’re reading this article, you will. A travel-sized pack of wet wipes fits nicely into fanny packs and backpacks without taking up too much space. Take those bad boys into the next rave you go to and watch that hell hole become just a little bit less shitty (no pun intended).

AZO Cranberry

Although I’ve never had this problem myself, I’ve talked to enough people to know that getting a UTI at a music festival is a more common problem than you might think. I mean, if you think about it, music festivals aren’t the most sanitary places on earth, plus you have a higher risk of dehydration — two things you don’t want to mix if you want to avoid getting a UTI.

If you or some of your friends are worried about getting one, AZO Cranberry is good to have on hand. Keep them around in case someone starts feeling the burn.

Soft Earplugs

If you are camping, bringing a pair of soft earplugs might be a good idea. Other campers might want to keep the party going later than you do, so bringing these may help you get to sleep a little faster. They also come in handy inside the festival as well. Being too close to the speakers can damage your hearing over time, but a pair of earplugs can prevent that. Although, they do make special earplugs made for listening to music that won’t muffle the sound like soft earplugs can.

Rain Poncho

If you know you’re going to a festival in an area that’s prone to a little rain (*ahem* Countdown), then you might want to think about investing in a rain poncho. You don’t have to shell out a lot for one (and if you’re a college student like me, you won’t want to). After enduring the first rainy day of Countdown 2016, my rave fam and I marched over to the dollar store the next morning and got ourselves some ponchos.

Now, rain ponchos at the dollar store are literally trash bags with arm holes in them. And if you’re lucky, you get a hood on yours. It’s really hit or miss at the dollar store. But let me tell you, having even just a little bit of cover from the rain was exponentially better than going without it. It definitely made getting into the rave mood and mindset much easier.

Cooling Towels

On the flip side, festivals that take place in sweltering heat require different measures. This is where the cooling towel comes in handy. Whoever invented these deserves a prize. You soak them, spin them around a few times, and wrap them around your neck, face, and basically anywhere else you need to cool down. The best part is they stay cold for hours. But beware! Once you use these, you’ll never want to go back.

On a similar note, you can take little empty spray bottles into the festival and fill them up once you get inside. Never underestimate how refreshing a little spritz of water can be. And the best part? A little mist over the people around you makes you an instant lifesaver.

Glow-y Stuff

Don’t get caught in the crowd being the only one not glowing. Other ravers are glowing, stages are glowing, hell, the whole rave is glowing! You think it’ll be fine now, but trust me, it’s a totally different story when you’re actually in that situation feeling left out. But have no fear! You can remedy this situation before it even happens. A quick trip to the dollar store can get you tons of glow sticks, accessories, wands, etc.

Pro tip: They’re a great way to make new friends! Everyone likes getting glow sticks. Check out iHR’s collection of light-up stuff here.

And that’s all! Everything I could think of was listed here, but if you know of another secret festival essential, definitely let us know in the comments. Happy festival-ing!

]]> 2017-09-10T03:47:00-07:00 2022-03-03T12:58:04-08:00 5 Knots Every Kandi Kid Should Know Dot Yuson I think the most common question I get from people who know I make kandi is how I get the perfect kandi knot. Although I’d love to be able to just use one knot, the reality is there isn’t any one “perfect” kandi knot. It’s all about knowing which knot to use in what situation. Here is a list of some of my favorite kandi knots!


I think the most common question I get from people who know I make kandi is how I get the perfect kandi knot. Although I’d love to be able to just use one knot, the reality is there isn’t any one “perfect” kandi knot. It’s all about knowing which knot to use in what situation. Here is a list of some of my favorite kandi knots!

1. The Overhand Knot 

You probably don’t know it, but you use the overhand knot probably every day. If you tie yours shoes, you use the overhand knot. If you tie grocery bags, that’s an overhand knot. You get the idea.

In terms of kandi, the overhand knot is the simplest and most basic knot. It’s used for tying off singles, finishing cuffs, and adding more string to a project. It’s done by crossing the two ends of string, pulling one end through the loop, and then pulling both ends to tighten the loop. See below:

overhand knot step by step instructions

2. The Square Knot

The square knot is another kandi knot that I like to use. It’s basically one overhand knot on top of another overhand knot. Like I said, it’s great for more slippery materials and for more stability.

square knot step by step instructions

3. The Surgeon’s Knot

The surgeon’s knot is another great kandi knot. While the square knot is also great for slippery strings and generally gets the job done, on the rare occasions it doesn’t, I prefer to use the surgeon’s knot. The surgeon’s knot is also a good one to rely on if you really don’t want something to come undone. There are even some people who exclusively use surgeon’s knots. Better safe than sorry, right? It’s basically like the square knot, but the string is crossed through the bottom loop two to three times instead of one. I’ve rarely had problems with the surgeon knot slipping!

surgeon knot instructions

4. The Figure 8 Knot

Another kandi knot I like to use is the figure 8 knot. I use this one when tying off bigger creations like cuffs. The most well known use for this knot is in rock climbing. If rock climbers trust this knot to keep them from falling to their deaths, then I trust this knot to keep my cuffs from exploding into oblivion.

My favorite way I’ve heard someone teach a figure 8 knot is to:

1) Make an alien with the rope (or string in this case)

2) Strangle the alien

3) Poke the alien through the eye away from you. Simple!

…Annnnd that probably didn’t make any sense to you. In case that’s true (and let’s be real, it probably is), here is a handy diagram:

figure 8 knot step by step instructions

5. The Lark’s Head Knot 

I like to use this kandi knot for attaching things like perlers, charms, or little toys. If you’ve tied a phone charm onto your phone, then you’ve used this knot. Basically, you fold your string in half, pass the folded part through the hole of a perler creation, charm, or one you’ve created in a toy, grab the ends of the strings, and pull them through the hole towards you.

Lark’s Head Knot step by step instructions

And those are the 5 kandi knots I use the most! If you have other favorite knots or want to share more, leave it in the comments below.
