savormeditation - savormeditation Blog - Festival Fashion and Rave Culture 2024-09-13T14:14:55-07:00 savormeditation 2022-03-04T12:26:31-08:00 2022-03-04T12:26:31-08:00 What Not to Wear to a Festival Aiza Gernale People are quick to give you style advice on what to wear to a festival, but what about tips on what NOT to wear to a festival? No worries, I got you.


Don’t wear those adorable pumps or dress shoes even if they make your outfit THAT much hotter. Why? It’s not worth it. Festival grounds are unpredictable so you never know if you’ll be walking on grass, dirt, mud, or concrete so high heels are not ideal. Plus, you’ll wanna be jumping and dancing the night away, not writhing in pain. Not to mention, you might have to make it to the stage on the opposite end of the festival grounds quickly to catch your favorite DJ. Think this is clearly an obvious one? I’ve actually seen girls rocking heels to Escape from Wonderland before and I’ll bet that halfway through the night they were forced to carry their heels and walk the grounds barefoot. Sound appealing to you? I thought not.

Flats & Sandals

Think you can get away with wearing flats or sandals? Sure, they won’t kill your feet like heels do, but other people will definitely unintentionally kill your feet for you. With thousands of people trying to squeeze in front of one stage your toes will thank you for leaving your sandals at home.

Designer Clothes

We all love getting the chance to dress up every once in a while and festivals are the place to get dolled up in any way you’d like, but dressing up doesn’t mean dressing in your best. What do I mean by that? If you’re attending a festival you’re bound to get dirty from sitting on the ground or just being in the crowd so leave your designer swag at home. Leave ALL of it at home including those new Chanel shades you love so much unless you’re planning to strap it to your head for the entire night.


We all want to be prepared for anything a festival throws at you, but seriously carrying your festival essentials in a nice big purse is gonna make you want to rip your hair out. Hate fanny packs? They rock. I promise. You’ll have your hands free all night and you never have to worry about those damn straps falling off your shoulders. Still not digging the fanny pack fad? Opt for a lightweight drawstring bag or small backpack instead. I highly discourage purses, especially big totes as they limit your dance moves.

Banned Items

Lastly, don’t wear things that are banned! Do your research and be aware of festival rules and regulations. Going to EDC? Bring all your kandi. Going to Hard Fest? Leave all your kandi at home. Some festivals also ban masks or heavy face paint so it’s important to simply do your research and comply to the rules. You don’t wanna show up only to be turned away at the gates. Happy raving!

]]> 2022-02-25T10:35:41-08:00 2022-03-04T12:15:57-08:00 Last Minute Tips for Okeechobee Music Festival Julia Sachs Are you ready to Be Here Now? With Okeechobee Music Festival coming up quickly, here are some last minute tips to get you ready to enter the portal.


Are you ready to Be Here Now? With Okeechobee Music Festival coming up quickly, here are some last minute tips to get you ready to enter the portal. If you’re feeling nervous before the fest, don’t worry. You’re not alone! Here are some great tips for managing your festival anxiety.

Weather and Camping

Camping check-in begins at 9 a.m. Thursday, so make plans with your festy squad accordingly.  Pack for all weather conditions. It could rain, it could be hot, it could be cold, or it could be dusty! While the weather as of now is looking warm in the daytime and chilly at night, be prepared for anything and everything. Nothing sucks more than getting caught in the rain if you’re unprepared. Click this link if you’re not sure what to wear. I recommend picking up some rain proof tent spray and covering your tent in it to prevent leaks in case of rain.

Don’t forget plenty of cash to buy ice to keep your cooler foods fresh. Make sure to pack your reusable water bottle, which you can fill at many water stations across the grounds. Plus, bring a few towels if you plan to take showers at the event. Shower pods are in the campgrounds. You’ll need shower tokens, which you can purchase at the General Store.

Gifting and Activities

Interested in sharing some gifts with your Okeechobee fam?  Here are some ideas for festival gifts that will put a smile on someone’s face!

Pack your yoga mat and activity-friendly outfits. Okee is known for a variety of fun workshops and events, including yoga sessions, mindfulness, massages, courses in environmentalism, sound healing, and sports like volleyball. Pack a pool float and inflatable pump if you’re interested in chilling in the water. Get ready to experience tons of art! Okee is a music and arts fest, after all. Bring your camera and don’t forget to pack sunglasses and sunscreen for daytime adventures.


Yes, totems are allowed! But, they must meet the festival’s guidelines. To read about totem guidelines and the prohibited item list, click here.

Medical Services

It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the festival map to learn where medical services are located. Start hydrating and stretching now to prepare your body! Check out this article to learn about preventing muscle soreness at camping fests.

Look out for the Ground Control volunteer team, wearing bright purple shirts, who will be wandering around the event to make sure you’re staying happy and healthy. Look for a purple shirt Ground Control member if you need anything.

Leaving No Trace

Perhaps the most important tip - remember to leave no trace! Pack plenty of trash bags (think you have enough? Bring more) and keep an eye on your campsite and main walking paths. Keep Florida beautiful by picking up after yourself and others.

Have a beautiful time, Okee fam!

]]> 2022-01-17T12:30:00-08:00 2022-03-04T12:10:30-08:00 How to Prevent Muscle Soreness at Festivals Julia Sachs Muscle soreness at festivals is incredibly common, especially at multi-day camping fests where you have to live without the comfort of your Tempur-Pedic mattress. If you’re the type of person who wakes up on day 3 in excruciating pain, try these tips to prevent body aches.


At Hulaween 2021, I was dancing in the crowd when I spotted the most hilarious totem that made me spit out my drink laughing. It read: Back & Body Hurts - in the classic Bath & Body Works font. I know the feeling all too well. The longer you’re at a camping festival, the worse it gets - achy feet, neck cramps, and don’t even start about the back pain!

Muscle soreness at festivals is incredibly common, especially at multi-day camping fests where you have to live without the comfort of your Tempur-Pedic mattress. If you’re the type of person who wakes up on day 3 in excruciating pain, try these tips to prevent body aches.

Before the festival:

In our home lives, many of us work desk jobs and live inactive lifestyles. If you want to avoid physical aches during a festival, try preparing your body leading up to the event.

You’d be surprised at how much physical activity you’ll do at the festival! From walks to and from camp, to adventures around the grounds, to long days and sleepless nights of non-stop dancing - your body probably isn’t used to this level of exertion! If possible, try “training” yourself by taking long, daily walks.

This will also help you determine if you have the right shoes to keep your feet from hurting at the festival. Test out your footwear to make sure you’ll have proper support, so you’ll be pain-free and ready to dance all night long!

Before the fest, you can also prepare your sleeping arrangements to minimize body aches. Figure out if you’re most comfortable in a camping cot with a mattress pad, an air mattress, or even a hammock - everyone is different!

At the festival:

Be mindful of any pre-existing injuries you may have throughout the festival. Take note of where the medic tent is located in case you experience a flair-up.

When you’re setting up camp, be careful lifting heavy things and ask for help if you need it.

It’s crucial to stay hydrated to avoid muscle cramps and potential injuries. Try carrying a water bottle or bringing a hydration pack into the crowd. Remember, your body will need extra water if you’re in hot weather, drinking alcohol, or exerting a lot of energy on the dance floor.

It’s also important to take time to stretch before heading to your favorite sets. You can organize a group yoga sesh with your campmates, or just take some time for yourself and stretch your body. Some festivals will have massage therapists or yoga classes on site, so look into your options. If you have a foam roller or massage gun, your body will thank you!

Rest between sets. If you’re standing and dancing the entire weekend, you will definitely feel some soreness by the end of the festival. Find a comfortable place to sit down and rest your body whenever possible.

After the festival:

Continue to hydrate and stretch after you get home, plus, eat well and get plenty of rest!

]]> 2022-01-07T14:28:20-08:00 2022-03-04T12:10:33-08:00 How to Prepare for Festival Season Julia Sachs No matter what festival you’re attending or how experienced of a raver you are, a little preparation goes a long way in ensuring your rave season goes off without a hitch.


We are slowly but surely getting to our favorite time of year again: music festival season! With only a few months to go, there’s no better time to start planning your festival adventures. No matter what festival you’re attending or how experienced of a raver you are, a little preparation goes a long way in ensuring your rave season goes off without a hitch.

Find the Right Music Festival(s)

Think about what you want from your festival season before diving deep into it. Perhaps you just want to go to one event this year or maybe several. Whatever the case may be, take the time to research different music festivals to find the ones that match your music taste, budget, and overall expectations of what you’d like from your festival experiences. Find out as much as you can about every festival, start to build a plan to see if your festival season goals are feasible.

Early Bird Gets the…Cheapest Tickets

Basically, the sooner you buy your festival tickets the cheaper they are. Promoters release tickets in several phases and the closer it gets to the event the more expensive they’ll be. Usually once I’ve decided which music festivals I want to attend, I’ll look up when the first batch (early birds) of tickets go on sale. I always set a reminder in my calendar and make sure whoever is coming with me to the event knows about the release date as well to make sure we can score enough tickets!

Book Travel Sooner Rather Than Later

Music festivals attract thousands of attendees at one time, and they all expect to travel from all corners of the country to the venue on the days leading up to the event. My advice: be travel savvy! As soon as you’ve got those festival tickets your next step should be to plan how to travel to the event. The last thing you want is to have your tickets but have no way of getting there. And the same goes for accommodation (if you’re not camping of course!), the sooner you book the better to avoid getting stuck with something you don’t feel comfortable with.

Feel Like a Rave God(dess)

Music festivals are heaps of fun but let’s face they’re also physically taxing, even for the most seasoned of ravers! In the run up to festival season I like to kick my cardio and resistance training up a notch and I become more mindful of what I’m eating. I find that the right amount of exercise and the right foods will help me feel strong and give me the energy to dance for days and nights on end. Staying healthy in between events during festival season also helps me bounce back faster so I’m always ready to rave!

Invest in the Right Gear

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with all the events you’ll be attending during festival season, make a list of the gear you need to make sure your festival escapades go smoothly. Give yourself enough time to research your equipment, make sure you’re investing in reliable gear that will last throughout the season (for example: reliable tent, hydration pack etc.). And before purchasing, always check that the festival hasn’t listed any of your new kit on their list of prohibited items!

Plan Your Outfits

Once you’ve got the serious stuff out of the way, it’s time for the fun part of festival planning: styling! My rule of thumb is to plan my outfits at least 4 weeks ahead of time, this allows enough time for possible delivery delays or to make changes if necessary. If I’m attending multiple events over several weekends, I’ll bag each outfit (accessories included!) into individual pouches and label them with the name of the music festival. This makes packing for each event much easier, no last-minute panic packing!

We’re always updating our huge range of rave fashion, check out our latest new arrivals now and start planning your festival season ‘fits. We can’t wait to see how you style your rave looks, be sure to tag us on Instagram @iheartraves!

Listen to the Lineup

In the runup to each festival I like to create playlists with artists that will be performing at the event. I usually mix things up a little, I’ll throw in artists I already know and new artists as I like to discover new music when I go to music festivals. This way by the time I get to the event I’ve got a full repertoire of songs I can sing along to at the top of my voice. And I’ll usually have playlists on as I’m getting ready which really gets me pumped before every event!

I hope these tips get you on your way to planning the best festival season yet! Have you got more tips? Share your advice in the comment section below, I’d love to hear from you.

]]> 2021-11-19T11:00:02-08:00 2022-03-04T12:10:35-08:00 Leave No Trace: A Guide To Being A Sustainable Festival Attendee Julia Sachs Step up your game as a sustainable festival attendee by mastering the art of leaving no trace. Here are some tips and tricks to leave the grounds in better shape than when you arrived.


Seasoned festival-goers have it down to a science - what to wear, what to bring, and how to rage like a pro. But, have you considered how your festy practices may be hurting the environment? Step up your game as a sustainable festival attendee by mastering the art of leaving no trace. Here are some tips and tricks to leave the grounds in better shape than when you arrived.

What does it mean to leave no trace?

Leave no trace refers to the idea that you bring everything home with you that you brought to the event — right down to each individual piece of glitter. Pack in, pack out. This way, we stay aware of our effect on the land and rave with awareness of our environmental impacts. Conscious event-goers leave the land in beautiful shape.

Why is this important?

Ravers must develop a sense of personal responsibility when it comes to cleaning up after themselves. There are obvious consequences to leaving trash behind. Aside from hurting Mother Earth, festival producers are less likely to bring an event back if attendees don’t take care of the grounds.

Personally, I’ve witnessed a few local, outdoor events get shut down because ravers did not take care of the land. How embarrassing! When you leave no trace, you prove that you can handle the responsibility of attending an outdoor event—not only by picking up after yourself, but also by leaving the area in better shape than when you arrived. If you want to continue to attend awesome events, integrate these leave no trace practices into your festival lifestyle.

What you can do:

  • Create a sustainability plan with your festy squad and act on it. Make sure everyone in your camp understands the process. Act with intention and diligence.
  • Start by minimizing the amount of potential trash you’re bringing, from the beginning. This starts in the supermarket. Avoid unnecessary packaging, plastic water bottles, paper plates, plastic cups and cutlery, etc.
  • Avoid all plastic and paper in your camp kitchen. Yes, paper plates and solo cups can be convenient. But, they are horrible for the environment! Invest in reusable plates, cups, silverware, and cooking utensils. Bring a bucket, sponge, and biodegradable dish soap to wash dishes at your camp. Ditch the water bottles for large jugs and refill a reusable water bottle. You’ll be surprised at how much trash you save by eliminating plastic and paper in your camp kitchen!
  • Cut down on pre-festival Amazon purchases and bringing any unnecessary gear that could go to waste. When you pack with purpose, you channel a sustainability mindset.
  • Bring a separate (different colored) trash bag for recyclables.
  • Camping festivals will have a special area to drop recyclables vs. trash. Collect beer cans and bottles separate from your main trash disposal. Be diligent! If you see a friend putting a beer can in the main trash, ask them politely to use the proper disposal. Some events even offer prizes for collecting bags of recyclables!
  • If the festival is in a state that gives a cash refund on cans, consider donating your extra cans to an unhoused person, or donating the money from the cans to a local charity or shelter.
  • Bring some trash bags and take 30 minutes each day to collect everything you see. Encourage your festy fam to do the same.
  • Try a “line sweep” - scan the area with a group of friends, standing about an arms’ distance apart and moving forward. You can bring reusable gloves or a trash grabber if you’re not comfortable picking things up with your hands.
  • Recognize the different types of litter you’ll see at an event. If you see something on the ground, take the 5 seconds and pick it up in the moment! If there isn’t a nearby trash or recycling can, stick the trash in your pocket or backpack until you can find a receptacle.

Some types of litter you should look out for include:

  • Tent stakes and abandoned camping gear
  • Cigarette butts
  • Glass like beer bottles
  • Plastic like packaging, baggies, duct tape, empty water jugs and bottles, glow sticks
  • Metal like bottle caps, nails, or screws
  • Costume pieces like glitter, sequins, feathers, and jewelry

This list is just a starting point.

Remember that adopting a sustainable approach at festivals isn’t easy. You may develop your own tips and tricks that help your camp stay on top of it - and that’s okay! See what works for you and your squad. The most important thing is that you make a conscious effort to leave the grounds in better shape than when you found them. Mother Earth (and the festival producers) will thank you.

I recommend doing an “audit” of your personal festy practices to identify the areas where you can reduce your environmental impact. Implement some changes at your next event, then do another check-in to see where you can improve. This is an ongoing process - and it takes each and every one of us to truly leave no trace!

]]> 2021-10-21T11:23:53-07:00 2022-03-04T12:01:55-08:00 Ravers Share What They Wish They Knew Before Their First EDC Las Vegas Julia Sachs More

EDC Las Vegas is here after two and a half years of waiting. For many people, the lengthy pause from the pandemic means that EDC 2021 will be their first ever EDC Las Vegas. The longer you go to raves the more tips and tricks you come up with, so I talked to some veteran ravers about things they wish they knew before their first EDC Las Vegas to help all of our new rave fam get ready for the weekend. Here are some of the best tips and tricks for new ravers:


"1. Always bring a tissue pack. Unstocked porta potties are no joke.
2. If you’re driving to/from an event, stock your car with protein filled snacks and water/gatorade for the way home. Keep an emergency bag ready with Advil and anything medical you may need as well as comfy clothes for the way home.
3. Some fests allow you to bring in electrolyte packs for your water. I purchase a new hydration pack bladder every other fest for the reason of turning my water into hydro water.
4. Earplugs are an essential part of rail riding if you care about your hearing AND they’re great for camping at night to turn down the festival noise.
5. Have an escape plan. Always. This may seem trivial but I’ve been left at fests before and had to find my own way home. Sometimes things happen, but it’s better to be prepared."


"Treat each festival like a marathon and NOT a sprint. Take your time, and don’t get down on yourself for missing a set"


"Dude, I'm short. My pro-tip is to stand on the sides of the crowd and not too far in so you'll see better and not have to touch as many people. If I can't see, why am I there? Even in platforms sometimes you just have a group of tall guys right there. Or stand on the inner rails near the sound booth."


"Charged Phone, Meeting Location with a set time, some sort of face covering because some events are dusty!"


"Always put on any glitter while you’re standing in the shower/tub! Don’t wear clothing that can get caught on others in the crowd (I.e. long fringe). Bring zip locks into the festival to put your phone in if the weather gets rainy. After the festival, walk farther away from the grounds or wait some time to get lower Uber/Lyft costs. Shower every day, the amount of dirt you find up your nose will surprise you"


"1. When you don’t need your phone to call/text anyone, put it on airplane mode to save battery.
2. Target usually has cute sneakers that are cheap, and you can buy gel insoles for them. I’ve never gotten blisters and my feet actually feel totally fine after. And whatever shoes you wear, break them in before you go! Comfy > cute
3. Eat healthy and stay hydrated in the week leading up to the rave, and try to eat as healthy as possible while you’re there. You’ll feel way better, they can be exhausting and good nutrition really helps! Especially if you’re drinking, etc.
5. Set a meet-up zone with your group and make it really specific (like instead of “meet at the Ferris wheel” say “meet at the front right corner of the Ferris wheel”)
6. Go on someone’s shoulders during a set to see what it looks like, it’s AMAZING."


"I make 'bathroom packs' for every festival. In a small makeup bag, I put: clorox wipes, Charmin/baby wipes, and hand sanitizer. It makes bathroom trips a little less gross!"


"I have a small flashlight in [my bathroom pack] because the port-a-potties are so dark I can't see. I recently found a small one that's on a key chain that's super bright."


"•STRETCH before, during and after the show. You know how much we walk and stand? Mainly on concrete or asphalt, just a couple stretches for 20 seconds can change how run down your body feels after those long EDC fests.
•Break in new shoes the week or so before the event so you don't get blisters or bring band aids if you think you’ll get bothered by your shoes.
•Gold Bond has a baby powder spray that helps it stick better than just baby powder, so no chaffing.
•Plan out the day/night to see sets & explore. Even if you want to see every set, give yourself time to enjoy the entire experience of the festival!
•Always bring a travel pack of tissues - since they can be used for so many things TP, Napkin, etc.
•Always bring gum or mints, fresh breath is the best way to rave.
•Drink water & electrolytes, I noticed I feel better switching from a Powerade to the camel back a time or two during the festival."


"The first time you go into the port-a-potty, grab a good sized bunch of TP and put it in your fanny pack / backpack for later. Often times you’ll come back again and you’ll be out of luck with toilet paper"


"Get Pedialyte powder and put it in your camel back!"

Response from Andrea:

"Please wash your camel back, the hose, and the mouth piece super well if you do this because it can mold super easily."


"To prevent blisters: Break in your new tough shoes by wrapping them with a towel and pounding out the tough areas with a hammer.

Double layer your socks with fuzzy socks under boots.

Bring a muscle roller for before and after."


And, finally, if you decide last minute that you want to change your outfit plans, or want to pick up a jacket for the cooler EDC nights, check out the Lux Rave pop up shop in the Luxor hotel & casino to shop tons of savormeditation favorites last minute!

]]> 2021-10-15T13:00:00-07:00 2022-03-04T12:01:56-08:00 Last Minute Things You Should Know Before EDC 2021 Julia Sachs More

EDC 2021 is finally here, and after two and a half years away from the Speedway it's long overdue for us to all rage under the electric sky once again. Things are a little bit different this year, and although I welcome the new October festival date with open arms (any excuse to wear a costume!), it will be an adjustment from the usual spring event. Here are some last minute things to know before EDC Las Vegas 2021.

Getting to the Speedway

The Speedway is pretty far from the Las Vegas Strip. If you're staying in a hotel you're going to need to plan ahead. The festival has a shuttle system which you'll need to buy tickets for if you haven't already. The shuttles are based on where your hotel is, so be careful to get a shuttle ticket for the hotel you're staying in or near. You can get a shuttle pass on the EDC Las Vegas website here.

You can also opt for a ride share like an Uber or a Lyft to and from the festival. It's a bit more expensive but it will likely be more comfortable than having to wait for a bus, and you can bypass the often long and exhausting shuttle lines if you choose to leave the festival alongside everyone else. There's also a helicopter option if you're trying to go all out.

Las Vegas Weather Forecast

I'd hate to break it to you babes but the weather for EDC Las Vegas 2021 is looking like it will be chilly. Temperatures drop in the desert at night, and the late-October timing of this year's festival means that things are cooling down already. Fortunately there are ways to look cute even in the cold!

Temperatures are expected to get into the low 50's overnight in Las Vegas during EDC weekend. Wear leggings underneath your rave fit or bring a faux fur coat to keep warm under the electric sky.

Last Minute Shopping

You can shop warmer clothes here and have them ready for you in Las Vegas at the Lux Rave pop up shop. Just select in-store pickup upon checkout to have your order ready whenever you'd like. The pop up goes through Sunday, so even if you realize halfway through the festival that you'd like to stay warm in style it's an option.

COVID-19 Precautions

Despite the fact that things are opening up, the pandemic is still raging on. Las Vegas depends entirely on tourism for its local economy and can't afford to have to go back into a shutdown over COVID-19. Do your part to stop the spread of the virus by getting vaccinated and wearing a mask in public or in mass gatherings (pro tip: the mask will also help you stay warm).

Insomniac Events is asking EDC Las Vegas attendees to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test upon entry to the festival. Printed, digital or physical copies of your vaccine card will be accepted, as well as a photo of your vaccine card.

The state of Nevada requires masks to be worn indoors at large gatherings, meaning you'll have to wear masks inside hotels and casinos. You can shop masks here to be prepared, and pick up your order at the Lux Rave pop up shop.

Don't Depend on Your Phone

We can always hope that things have changed, but when tens of thousands of people congregate in a remote spot in the desert we should assume cell towers are going to be busy. Come up with a plan in case you lose your group on where to meet, or schedule meetups ahead of time by deciding on a time and place inside the festival to meet members of your rave fam.

Put the event schedule as your phone lock screen so you don't have to access the internet to check set times, and let any friends or family know you may not have cell service while you're at the festival.

Take Care of Yourself & Others

PLUR would mean nothing if we didn't take care of each other. Check in with yourself and your rave fam throughout the weekend to make sure that everyone is ok. Remember that festivals like EDC are a marathon, not a sprint, and to take it easy when you think you need to.

Drink lots of water, eat regular meals, and get rest when you can. Check out our guides on how to stay healthy during a festival, and how to care for your mental health before, during, and after a festival—and don't forget! If you see someone struggling, check in with them even if it's just to offer some water or a friendly hand. We're all in this together.

Check Out the Whole Festival

EDC is huge. For context, there are eight stages and tons of interactive art installments, events and vendors to check out. Don't forget to spend some time checking out the festival throughout the weekend, and use the weekend to check out new artists you didn't think you would get the chance to see. It can be tempting to spend the weekend at your favorite stage, but the festival has so much more to offer.

]]> 2021-10-01T11:00:01-07:00 2022-03-04T11:57:47-08:00 Fanny Pack Essentials for Camping Festivals Julia Sachs At your next camping festival, ditch the backpack and keep all your essential belongings in a fanny pack. With all your things tucked safely away in your hip pack, you can enjoy the festival without worry and dance the night away.


Fanny packs change the game at camping festivals, letting you rage hands-free without worrying about losing or leaving behind a purse. Plus, when you wear a fanny pack facing forward, they can help prevent theft! At your next camping festival, ditch the backpack and keep all your essential belongings in a fanny pack. With all your things tucked safely away in your hip pack, you can enjoy the festival without worry and dance the night away!

You might be thinking, “what do I need to bring with me?” The nice thing about going to a camping festival is you can always go back to your campsite if you happen to forget something. That being said, I like to double check my hip pack before heading to the stage area to make sure I have everything I need. Here are all the essential goodies you should keep in your fanny pack at your next camping festival.

  • A small flashlight or head lamp. Depending on where you’re camping, it could be a dark road back to your campsite at the end of the night. And let’s be real, your phone probably isn’t charged. If it is, keep it in your fanny pack, too - but if not, it may be best to leave it locked in your car to avoid losing it.
  • Your ID and cash.
  • A foldable fan - be careful about overheating at summertime festivals!
  • A printed map of the festival and a printed lineup schedule. Most camping fests have hard copies of maps and schedules available to help you navigate around the grounds and stay on track to see your favorite sets. When you get your map, take a mental note of where key amenities are - especially the medical tent and water refill stations. I like to highlight or circle the acts that are must sees on the schedule. This way, even if my phone is dead or locked safely in my car, I can still find my way to my favorite DJs!

Here are some fun, additional things you can tuck away in your fanny pack to help you enjoy the fest.

  • Gum - duh!
  • Hair ties.
  • A disposable camera.
  • Kandi, stickers, or other fun gifts to give out to new friends.
  • A mini deodorant stick. Yes, you need it.
  • Glow sticks.
  • Chapstick.
  • Essential oils.
  • Kaleidoscope glasses.
  • If you’re a flow artist, your hoop, leviwand, or poi may come with a remote to change the color settings. I always bring my LED leviwand remote with me in my pack.

Pro tip: bring some carabiner clips to attach to your fanny pack. That way, you can clip your flashlight or foldable fan to the outside of your pack - leaving more space inside for the essentials.

Another pro tip: I prefer utility belts over fanny packs because they have more pockets and I love the way they look - very post-apocalyptic, functional raver vibes. Plus, most utility belts have rings on the outside to make it easy for carabiner clips. I also love wearing my tail to festivals, and my utility belt has a ring on the back to clip my tail to. Meow!

I get a certain satisfaction knowing I have everything I need on my person at all times. If you’re heading to a multi-day camping festival, I highly encourage a hip pack of some sort to carry your essentials. Your mind will be at ease knowing you won’t lose your bag, and you can dance without stressing over carrying a backpack or purse. You can shop fanny packs at savormeditation here. Now, go bust a move!

]]> 2021-09-24T10:36:48-07:00 2022-03-04T11:57:49-08:00 Real Ravers Share Their Top Festival Tips Julia Sachs To help you gear up for your first festival, I’ve asked rave veterans for their pearls of wisdom. Here are their top tips and advice so you can worry less and just focus on making amazing memories!


So, you’ve started planning for your first music festival or rave, but you’re beginning to get cold feet because you don’t know what to expect. That’s totally normal, we’ve all been there! To help you gear up for your first festival, I’ve asked rave veterans for their pearls of wisdom. Here are their top tips and advice so you can worry less and just focus on making amazing memories!

“Stay Hydrated”

You won’t realize how thirsty you are when you’re in the crowd having fun! But it gets hot and you’re going to be dancing your feet off for hours so you’re bound to get dehydrated if you don’t drink enough water. Most music festivals offer free water refill stations, so make it a point to stop by one before heading deep into the crowd. Remember to pack a water bottle or a hydration backpack so you can stay hydrated at all times!

“Prep Yourself the Week Before and After”

Getting yourself ready is key to having all the energy you need to dance and being in the right mindset to enjoy yourself. A week before the rave, try to get a good night’s rest every night, hydrate properly every day, eat well and don’t overexert yourself. You can also try to go for long walks in the days leading up to the festival, that way all of the walking once you're at the festival is less tiresome.

Take extra care of yourself when returning to your normal routine. You’ll have survived a weekend of little to no sleep, consider taking a day off work if you can to give your mind and body proper recovery time.

“You Can Go Sober”

And no one will care! People sometimes have this misconception that because you’re going to a rave that you have to do drugs or get drunk. But raves are fun without substances, and you’ll quickly find out that there are plenty of other sober people around so there’s zero judgement! Always make good decisions and only do what’s right for you.

“Wear Comfy Shoes”

You’re going to a music festival, expect a lot of walking, dancing and people stepping on your feet! When it comes to shoes, always prioritize comfort over style! Tight shoes lead to blisters and bruised toe nails (that eventually fall off!). Learn from our mistakes and only wear reliable shoes!

“Don’t Miss Out On Your Favorite Artists”

The set times are always announced ahead of the event, save them to your phone and then set them as your lock screen. This way you can keep track of where your favorite artists are playing and you won’t miss any of the sets you want to dance to!

Pro veteran tip: don’t be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone and listen to some new artists, you never know what experiences you might encounter!

“Wear Earplugs”

Wearing earplugs to music festivals is what all the cool ravers are doing these days! It doesn’t matter whether you like riding the rail or hanging in the back of the crowd, exposure to loud music for long periods of time can put you at risk for hearing loss. Don’t risk permanent damage to your hearing, keep your ears safe and enjoy music comfortably!

“Use The Restroom”

There are two essential restroom breaks that you need to stick to for a smooth rave experience. The first is when you arrive at the event. The last thing you want is to walk into the main stage crowd and then suddenly get the urge! Save yourself the hassle, go as soon as you get there. The second is when you leave the event. Even if you don’t feel like you need to go, go. Once you hit the road, there’s no guarantee you’ll find another restroom.

“Don’t Hold Back on Dressing Up”

One of the best things about music festivals, other than the music of course, is being able to dress up and wear things you don’t normally wear: glitter, face gems, trippy prints, neon, fluffies...and the list goes on! There are no rules or restrictions, you can experiment and go as wild as you want with your outfits.

Pro veteran tip: we have regular new arrivals for you to discover, tons of unique styles so you can look and feel like a rave goddess!

“Don’t Pack Heavy & Check the Restrictions”

Travel light and only bring essentials! Plan your outfits and cross-check your packing list with the music festival’s restricted items so you don’t get anything confiscated at the gates. If you’re going to a one-day event, don’t pack anything bigger than a fanny pack or small backpack. For a multi-day event, avoid any large pieces of luggage, you may have to walk a distance to the campsite so make sure it’s easy to carry!

“Just Let Go & Don’t Overthink”

Last but definitely not least: just have fun, let go and don’t overthink! Music festivals are a safe space for you to forget the world outside and go crazy. Let yourself be swept up in the moment and be open to new experiences, the best memories often come from the most unexpected things.

Now that you’re ready to take on any rave, check out some of our other posts to get inspo for your outfits and your makeup!

]]> 2021-09-21T13:00:00-07:00 2023-06-15T12:24:33-07:00 How To Travel For Festivals Julia Sachs The hardest part about planning for a music festival is actually buying the ticket. Once you buy your ticket, the rest of it is a breeze if you prepare ahead of time! Here are a few tips on How To Travel For Festivals in 2021!


If you’re a raver, growing up becomes less about trips to Disneyland and more about planning trips to see your favorite DJs at some of the most mind-blowing festivals around the world. But be warned! Traveling to a 3 day weekend at a festival is definitely different than planning a trip to Konopiska.

Buying the ticket is the hardest part about planning for a music festival. Once you buy your ticket, the rest of it is a breeze if you prepare ahead of time! Here are a few tips on How To Travel For Festivals in 2023!


Do your research

Doing your research and getting informed about your festival is one of the funnest parts about planning for your festival weekend! From watching festival recap videos on YouTube to finding outfit inspo on Pinterest, there are plenty of ways to understand the vibe of your fest & what to bring!

Make sure to also research the area you’ll be visiting! Although certain festivals are located in remote areas, you might be able to find some nearby attractions or Instagrammable murals to check out outside of the festival. Either way, it definitely pays to be prepared to get the most out of your weekend!

Create a Game Plan

Coming up with the logistics of how things will go down can make the weekend seem way less daunting and much easier to be excited about. Logistics can include:

Who will be driving
Splitting costs (gas, food, accommodations)
Who will be booking the Airbnb or hotel

Doing this in advance can essentially cut costs and diminish any pre-festival jitters, so make sure to get a group chat going before the festival to make sure everyone’s on the same page!


Location determines a lot of things, including the weather and what kind of outfits you’ll be wearing each day. Make sure to do a little research about the location your music festival will be in, because most of the time if they’re in the US, your festival is bound to be in some remote location in a random state with pretty unpredictable weather.

If you plan to travel to a music festival outside of the US, you’ll want to make sure you have your passport & any immunizations you might need to get in and out of the country. 


The festival you end up going to will determine where you ultimately end up staying. If you’re able to buy your festival tickets ahead of time (6 months to a year is ideal!), you’ll be able to save A LOT more on your accommodations versus if you were to randomly full send the festival 3 months before (I highly do not recommend this but it's also not impossible!). A few options for lodging include:


Camping is probably one of my favorite ways to enjoy a music festival. It is the best way to meet new people outside of your group and connect to the festival in ways you couldn’t just going to and from a hotel. Campgrounds typically have their own events going on outside of the fest so make sure to check out our 4 Secrets To Having The Perfect Camping Festival Experience blog for tips on how to best prepare!


In some instances, booking a hotel or an AirBnb may be the better or only option if your festival doesn’t offer camping or their own accommodations. Make sure to check out the official festival website for their suggestions on where to stay, since there are often deals between the festival and local hotels that also offer shuttles to the festival.    


If you’re rolling deep with a squad of 10 or more, you may want to look into booking an Airbnb. These stays offer plenty of space for people to sleep and hang out in, and aren’t as restrictive as some hotels. If you prefer to stay at an Airbnb, make sure to book ahead of time since the best ones book out months in advance & make sure to keep an eye on those pesky fees - they can really drive the price up!



More likely than not, you’ll be road tripping with some of your best friends and what’s not to love about that? Road trips mean road trip snacks, jamming out to N’SYNC B2B *your fav DJ* and last but not least: SPLITTING GAS. Sounds like a win, win win to me!


If you plan on flying, however, you’ll want to get on that ASAP if possible. Typically though, you’ll find the best prices if you buy your tickets 3 or more months for domestic flights & 6 or more months for international trips. Don’t forget to take advantage of any airline point systems and reward credit cards if you’re able to take on the responsibility of a credit card!


If you plan on staying at the hotel and don’t want to operate heavy machinery going to and from the festival, almost every festival offers shuttle options to get you to and from designated locations safely. Just make sure to keep an eye on shuttle schedules so you’re not stuck having to pay a ridiculously inflated price to take an Uber down the street!

Fast Charging Stations

We’re living in 2021 and smart vehicles are the wave, and probably the most eco-friendly way to get to your festival. If you plan to pull up in your Tesla or any other EV (electric vehicle), you’ll want to make sure you’re able to locate the nearest charging stations. Festivals like Coachella are nice enough to provide a small list, but others may not be as thorough. 

Packing Lists/Checklists

If this is your first time traveling for a music festival and have no idea where to begin with a packing list, no worries! We’ve got you covered. Check out our Ultimate Camping Festival Checklist for a comprehensive list of things you definitely won’t want to forget when you’re miles away from home!

]]> 2021-09-17T13:06:35-07:00 2022-03-04T11:57:51-08:00 10 Things To Know Before Your First EDC Las Vegas Julia Sachs More

EDC Las Vegas is just around the corner, and with the rescheduled date this year the event is coming in mid-October for the first time. Being under the Electric Sky is unlike anything else, and if you're new to the scene you can rest easy knowing that the event will be a welcoming, inclusive space that will make you feel at home no matter who you are. From veteran ravers, here are ten things to know before your first EDC Las Vegas.

1. Wear Comfortable Shoes

EDC is a marathon, not a sprint. Wearing comfortable shoes will assure that you can see more of the event and spend your night dancing under the Electric Sky, not having to worry about blisters or sore feet. If you plan on wearing new shoes, try to break those shoes in a couple of weeks before the event. Opt for shoes like platforms or sneakers that are cute but useful for walking and standing for hours on end. Don't be afraid to take a break and sit for awhile, but realize that when you're at the Speedway, you're too far from any store to be able to get a new pair of shoes if your feet hurt. Check out the raver shoes at savormeditation, which are designed to keep you comfortable while looking cute.

2. Don't Lose Your Wristband

Treat your wristband like cash. Don't put it on too soon and make sure that you have it with you when you head to Las Vegas for EDC week. Getting your ticket in the mail is exciting, but if you put your wristband on too soon you run the risk of damaging it before the festival even begins.

3. Budget for a Taxi Back to Vegas

Staying on or near the strip? Veteran EDC-goers know the nightmare of having to wait for a shuttle at the end of the night (morning?) to get back to their hotel. Budget for a taxi or Uber/Lyft back to your hotel instead of taking the shuttle. The prices vary, but if you carpool with some friends it will bring the price down. You can also stay off the strip, like in an area like Downtown Las Vegas, where the shuttle lines are much shorter.

4. Dress Comfortably

Once again, EDC is a long haul festival. You're going to be outside, far away from your hotel, for hours on end. When you're coming up with your EDC outfits, think about how you can stay comfortable while looking cute. There's nothing worse than feeling discomfort for the entire night at a festival, so plan ahead by shopping for clothes that are cute and comfortable, and check on the temperature before you finalize your looks to make sure you won't be too cold or too hot. For some EDC 2021 outfit inspiration, check out our blog post here.

5. Plan Meetups Ahead of Time

Service at the Speedway is pretty bad to begin with, but when you add thousands of people all trying to stay in contact with their friends or post to Instagram, it can be even more unreliable. Plan ahead by making sure you don't need your phone while you're at the venue. Send any important messages and make any important calls before you head to the event, and plan any meetups ahead of time by selecting a time an a place within the festival grounds.

6. Stay Healthy and Hydrated

Dancing all night in the desert is going to take a lot out of you. Make sure to stay hydrated while you're at the festival and while you recover in your hotel the next day by eating a healthy meal and drinking lots of water. Taking care of yourself is important, and it's going to mean the difference between having a good time throughout the whole festival and feeling burnt out and exhausted by the end—or worse, getting sick!

7. Only Bring The Cards You Really Need

If you have multiple bank cards or credit cards, only bring the ones you really need with you to the festival. If you lose your bag or wallet and have everything in it, that can be a disaster when you have to go the rest of the weekend relying on sending Venmo payments to friends every time you want to buy something. Instead of taking your whole wallet, take only one form of payment and your ID while leaving the rest in the safe in your hotel room.

8. Pack a Festival Bag

There are lots of guides for what to pack when you head to Vegas for EDC, but when you're heading to the festival itself be sure to pack a festival back inside your hydration pack to stay prepared throughout the whole festival. We recommend packing a face mask, ear plugs, unopened chapstick and gum and even some extra toilet paper just in case. It also might help to bring sunglasses for the ride back to your hotel once the sun comes up in the morning.

9. Make the Schedule Your Lock Screen

Have easy access to the festival schedule all weekend long by making it your lock screen on your phone. We recommend prioritizing sets you absolutely don't want to miss, but don't forget to venture into new territory too. EDC has so much to offer that you don't want to miss, so make sure to check out sets from artists you wouldn't otherwise listen to.

10. Visit the Lux Rave Store in Vegas

Forget something? Or maybe you just want to check out some of the many cute things that savormeditation has in store for EDC 2021? Be sure to check out the Lux Rave store, a pop up event featuring savormeditation and our sister company, EMazing Lights to grab anything from a whole new fit to some light up gloves for light shows while you're at the festival. The annual pop up event has everything you need to perfect your EDC looks, so stop by before you head to the event or on one of the days leading up to the festival if you plan on arriving early to Vegas. Keep an eye out for information on the 2021 Lux Rave pop up shop in the savormeditation Facebook

]]> 2021-09-01T12:00:00-07:00 2022-03-04T11:57:54-08:00 The Ultimate EDC Packing List | savormeditation Julia Sachs More


EDC is coming back for 2021 so it's time to start thinking about what to pack for Vegas! I’m sure you’ve probably started planning EDC outfits and have gotten some essentials ready, but it’s always helpful to have a packing list to check off as we approach the event week. I do this every year as it gives me peace of mind and is really helpful the morning you leave for Vegas.

It’s surprisingly easy to forget essentials you can’t pre-pack such as a toothbrush or charger if you’re rushing out the door. I’ve made this packing list to share with you, so don’t stress. See you under the electric sky!

The list includes essentials for both ladies and gentlemen. If any of the items don’t apply, just cross it off or share this list with your rave babe and you will both be well prepared for a great time in Vegas!

Clothes/EDC Outfits

Always pack the outfits you've planned and a little extra just in case. Always check the weather for the weekend beforehand as well. Most rave babes love to plan their looks in advance, but it's a good idea to have a backup look or two if you need to change for the weather or just want to wear something different day-of.


sequin bikini top

She's Stunt'n In Sequin Fringe Bikini Top

kaleidoscope outfit

Kaleidoscopic Kween O-Ring Long Sleeve Top & Bell Bottoms

On the Strip

Day Club Outfits

Night Club Outfits

  • Dresses
  • Dress Shirts
  • Slacks
  • Dress Shoes
  • Accessories

Casual Day Outfits

  • Outerwear
  • Bottoms
  • Tops
  • Day Dresses
  • Sandals
  • Slippers
  • Accessories

sequin bikini

She's Stunt'n In Sequin Bottoms

butterfly outfit

Kaleidoscop Kween Crop Top & Bell Bottoms

At the Festival

sequin chaps

Shes Stunt'n In Sequin Fringe Chaps

 butterfly outfit

Butterfly Groove Mesh Front Tie Crop Top & Bell Bottoms


  • Phone + Charger
  • Camera + Batteries or Charger
  • Speaker + Charger
  • Laptop + Charger
  • Car Charger

Nomad Kandi

Nomad Kandi X savormeditation Funky Town Belt


  • Beach Towel – if you’re going to any pool parties
  • Bath Towel – if you’re like me and don’t like using things provided by the hotel
  • Sunscreen
  • Lip Balm
  • Lotion
  • Face Lotion
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Perfume/Cologne
  • Comb/Hair Brush
  • Makeup 
  • Makeup Wipes
  • Shaving Kit
  • Body Wash
  • Face Wash
  • Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Contacts – I bring one pair per day 
  • Contact Cases
  • Contact Solution
  • Ibuprofen
  • Band Aids
  • Allergy medicine

alien earrings

Nomad Kandi X savormeditation Space Babe Earrings


Most importantly, don’t forget the good vibes. There will always be things that don’t go according to plan, but don’t let it ruin your trip. Bring a smile and get ready to have the time of your life!

]]> 2021-08-18T11:00:00-07:00 2022-03-04T11:51:49-08:00 4 Secrets to Having the Perfect Camping Festival Experience Julia Sachs If it’s your first time going to a camping festival, it could be a little overwhelming to prepare for one, and a lot of times you may not know what to expect when you are camping. Here are 4 secrets to having the perfect camping festival experience, these tips will help you be prepared for any situation!


Many large music festivals have options to camp, and there are many amazing benefits to doing so. Camping at a festival means that you are close to the festival venue so you don't have to worry about driving to the venue or dealing with traffic. Many festival campgrounds also have vendors, activities, and parties happening, so by camping you'll get the most out of your festival experience as well.

If it’s your first time going to a camping festival, it could be a little overwhelming to prepare for one, and a lot of times you may not know what to expect when you are camping. Here are 4 secrets to having the perfect camping festival experience, these tips will help you be prepared for any situation!

Get early arrival tickets when it’s an option.

Getting ready daily for a festival takes a lot of time, so if you have the option to get to a festival early, you’d want to do that. Many festivals have early arrival tickets as an add-on, and it is honestly worth the extra money—though for some festivals, early arrival may require an application process.

If you are able to set up camp early, that means you get to relax until the festival starts—it also gives you some extra time to explore the campgrounds and check out and pre-parties that might be happening. You would also want to get to the campgrounds earlier during the day as well. Traffic getting into some festival campgrounds can get bad later in the day, so getting there early could also help you skip the long lines. Plus, it is a lot easier to set up camp when you have daylight, so plan ahead of time to get there early for a stress-free camping experience!

Make a camping check-list before you pack.

Having a checklist is very important when you are camping at a festival. It makes packing a lot easier and ensures that you pack everything you need. Many festivals provide a checklist, and you can also add onto those lists to personalize it for your own needs. Here is an example of a packing list for festival camping! If you need to stop by a store to pick things up like ice and food on the way, make sure to write a shopping list as well.

Pro tip for packing: if your festival outfits fit in gallon sized Ziploc bags and pack your outfits and accessories into Ziploc bags separately by each day, so that you won’t have to dig through your bags to find your outfits! If you are looking for cute festival outfits, savormeditation has you covered!

photo by divisuals

Photos by Divisuals

Personalize your camp for comfort.

Even though you will be spending a lot of time at the festival venue, your camp is going to be your home for a few days when you are at a camping festival. So why not make it comfortable and fun?

Bring an air mattress with pillows and blankets so you get a good night’s sleep even in chilly weather. Bring a flagpole and a flag for your favorite artist so you can find your campsite easily after a long night of going hard at a festival. Bring a canopy and some camping chairs so your camping squad has a shaded and comfortable area to hang out before and after the festival. Decorate your camp area with some tapestries and fairy lights. There is so much room for creativity to make your campsite your own home! 

Be prepared for any type of weather.

The weather can be unpredictable at times when you are at a festival, so it is important to be prepared for any type of weather when you are camping. Many summer festivals are hot, so be prepared by having lots of water and shade structures. Being layers and blankets in case it gets cold at night. Bring a poncho and tarp for your tent in case it's storming (this occasionally happens!) It’s good practice to be prepared for any type of weather so that rain or shine, you can still have the best festival camping experience.

Even though it is impossible to be prepared for every scenario while you are camping, planning ahead of time helps to avoid situations that could potentially be stressful. Hopefully these tips will help enhance your camping experience, and your camp will be your home away from home while you are at a festival!

]]> 2019-03-07T19:31:00-08:00 2022-03-04T11:57:59-08:00 EDC Las Vegas: Tips for an Unforgettable Weekend Kellie Burch Another EDC Las Vegas is right around the corner! While you might be trying to get those last minute things for your outfit, don’t forget the things you need to remember throughout your EDC experience. Check out these helpful tips to have the best EDC adventure whether it will be your first EDC or your fifth, like me!


Another EDC Las Vegas is right around the corner! On October 22-24 we will all meet again under the Electric Sky at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. While you might be trying to get those last minute things for your outfit, don’t forget the things you need to remember throughout your EDC experience. This is including before you get to EDC, during EDC, and on our way home after! I have a few helpful tips that I like to call "daisies." The speedway is full of colorful daisies, so you can easily remember these tips when you see the associated color! These tips will help you to have the best EDC adventure whether it will be your first EDC or your fifth, like me!

Red Daisy: Camping

Any advice I can give would be is treat this camping experience like any other one. There are plenty of options for camping, tents or RVs, choose based on your group. Bigger is better for camping festivals because it stays at a party when there are a lot of people. It may stay hot even through the night but the campsites are created to help with that. Bring sunscreen, snacks, bring lots of water to your site, and don’t forget your sleeping bag. Be sure to check out this EDC camping list for inspo about how to start packing!

Camp EDC Tents

Photo Credit: EDC/Insomniac Events


Orange Daisy: Carpool/Uber/Lyft/PinPoint

Carpool with friends or use Uber/Lyft. Trust me when I tell you carpooling is the best thing for your EDC experience especially if you plan on having extra fun. It is the safest thing for you and your squad. Benefits to carpooling are having travel buddies to pump you up on the way to EDC through the traffic and to enjoy the sunrise on the way back to the hotel. If you are taking your own car I suggest leaving early as parking does fill up quickly or buying a parking pass. I highly recommend pinpointing on your phone or taking pictures of where your car is. If you haven’t been to the motor speedway at 5:30am, every light pole and fence looks like the one you parked near. Check for the name of the lot as well as entrances /exits you go through to get to your car.


Yellow Daisy: Battery Life = FULL

Buy a portable charger, charge your phone, and CHARGE THE PORTABLE CHARGER. I can’t stress enough trying to keep your phone a little alive by the time EDC is over. You won’t be able to find your car, your friends, or call an uber/lyft if YOUR PHONE IS DEAD because you were too busy trying to Snapchat every set you saw. Be smart, put it on low power mode, and try to keep it long enough to get home safe. You can also rent a locker with a portable charger!

Cute Fuzzy Portable Chargers

savormeditation has tons of Cute & fuzzy portable chargers like these!

Green Daisy: Take breaks and wear comfy shoes

Shoes can make or break a great outfit, as well as, a festival. If you're looking for some cute rave shoes that are also comfy, savormeditation offers tons of glittery & fun sneakers. They also offer tons of Platforms, but be careful about making the commitment to wearing these all weekend long! I recommend bringing a backup pair of shoes and renting a locker to stash them in, just in case your feet get tired! Also, pro tip: invest in a pair of shoe insoles to make your platforms even comfier! Whatever type of shoe you choose, make sure your shoes are comfy and can withstand all the walking you will do in the speedway. All the walking you’ll be doing will take a toll on your shoes, feet and body so TAKE BREAKS. Take a seat in the bleachers, or go sit in the grass at Cosmic Meadow, or buy a flag to sit on the concrete at whatever stage you are camped at but take a seat and relax. Buy a “BIG B*TCH FAN” to keep yourself cool. You could even go on a ride, preferably one in which you are sitting. There are multiple rides so take your pick and enjoy your break.  

EDC Las Vegas at Night

The Ferris Wheel is a great place to take a break when your feet need a break! Photo Credit: EDC/Insomniac Events

Blue Daisy: Stay Hydrated

This daisy is obviously the most important one. Even though EDC is no longer in June, it still has the chance to get in the high 100s. PLEASE STAY HYDRATED. Buy a hydration pack or water bottle to refill. Even if you think you have drunk enough water, you probably need to drink more. Although, always be careful not to over-do it! Do a good deed and buy someone a water bottle that needs it or even someone who doesn’t. You could even drink a Gatorade, just stay hydrated. There are free water stations you can fill up as well don’t forget about those. Pro tip: buy some Gatorade packets that are sealed so you can bring them inside the festival and change your water from ordinary to extraordinary!


I HIGHLY recommend investing in a hydration pack - they came in tons of cute styles and colors to match your outfit!

Purple Daisy: Schedule Sets

Schedule out meeting spots, when to park and when to pregame can only happen if you schedule out who you will see and when. Make sure to prioritize which sets are NOT MISS sets and which ones you can explore everything EDC offers. There is more to EDC than just your favorite DJ playing at a stage. You can only experience EDC if you plan correctly, even if you are WINGING it you still plan on who you are seeing at 7PM. Pro tip: Write your favorite sets in an Excel sheet and screenshot the sheet to save as your phone lock screen!

EDCLV Aerial View

I'm not joking when I say that EDC is huge! Setting meet-up spots with your squad is crucial!  Photo Credit: EDC/Insomniac Events


Pink Daisy: Visit the LUX Rave Pop up Shop

The LUX Rave pop up shop offers 20,000 sq ft of last minute festival shopping! If you haven’t gotten a chance to go this would be the year to! Tons of flow art toys, glitter, accessories and more outfit options for girls and guys! Don’t forget to order online and do in-store pickup if you don't want to pack all your rave items or pay for shipping. Every day there is a new event for you to check out!  If you're looking for EDC outfit inspiration, savormeditation has you covered!

Lux Rave Pop Up Shop


Rainbow Daisy: Using P.L.U.R.

This is my favorite daisy, throughout your EDC week or weekend, depending on how long you choose to rage, PLEASE USE P.L.U.R. every single second! We are all trying to have the best experience and if we all spread Peace, Love, Unity, & Respect throughout our EDC time we make our adventures that much better. I try my hardest to use it before, during and after EDC (even in the parking lot)

Raver wearing daisy top and dancing at EDC 

Photo Credit: EDC/Insomniac Events


I hope my daisies are helpful and I hope that when you see them throughout EDC you will remember them! Have a blast and stay safe! Meet you under the electric sky!
