savormeditation - savormeditation Blog - Festival Fashion and Rave Culture 2024-09-19T14:40:04-07:00 savormeditation 2019-01-04T11:15:00-08:00 2022-03-03T13:44:48-08:00 Get Together Festival: Celebrating 2018 the Best Way Possible Kellie Burch Another amazing year of festivals has finally come to and end, and I am so thankful I got to sign off 2018 at Get Together this year in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. I got to spend the final week of 2018 with two insane nights filled uplifting vibes, killer performances, some new pals and a perfect memory to add to 2018’s memory lane. This event held an extra special place in my heart because it was the first time my boyfriend, Jake, would be returning back to the music scene. 


Another amazing year of festivals has finally come to an end, and I am so thankful I got to sign off 2018 at Get Together this year in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. I got to spend the final week of 2018 with two insane nights filled uplifting vibes, killer performances and some new pals. I now have a new perfect memory to add to 2018’s memory lane. (I also got to fangirl over one of my personal faves, Alison Wonderland, but more on that later).

This event held an extra special place in my heart because it was the first time my boyfriend, Jake, would be returning back to the music scene. Due to an inner- ear disease, music events have become increasingly harder and harder for his ears to handle, to the point where we weren’t sure if he’d ever be able to enjoy live music again. After months of retraining therapy, doctors visits, some incredible support from the rave community and a pair of intense custom earplugs, he was finally given the go-ahead to try out the new earplugs at an event. We were nervous, to say the least. However, his custom earplugs worked wonders, and he was able to finally return to the music we both love (a moment that brought us both to tears). Needless to say, this event was very, very special to me.

Get Together 2018 was definitely one for the books, and I’m so stoked that I was able to be a part of the festival magic. Here are a few of my top event highlights:

1. My First savormeditation Snapchat Takeover!

On night one, I had the privilege of doing a Snapchat takeover for savormeditation during the event. The takeover was SUCH a fun way to get more involved with the crowd, chat with some festie lovelies and admire some killer savormeditation gear. I was able to experience every nook and cranny of the event, and I loved getting such a well-rounded taste of all the flavor the event had to offer. Everyone was thrilled to be a part of the takeover, and I was over the moon to witness such a crazy amount of love for savormeditation. If you ever see me at a future event, don’t ever hesitate to come say hi! :)

 savormeditation Girls at Get Together Festival


2. The People

Edmonton has some of the dopest ravers out there. If there’s one thing I can say about this city, it’s that its EDM scene knows how to party and vibe in perfect harmony. The energy emitting from the crowd was intoxicating, and I drank up every last bit of it. The crowd was hyped from doors open until lights on. Set after set, everyone was throwing down, headbanging, jumping and bumping with endless amounts of electric energy. Aside from being wicked partiers, Edmonton ravers are also filled with tons of good vibes. The level of PLUR in the event center was real, and I loved it. From my experience, the crowd was filled with love, compliments and a desire to spread positive energy. I was even gifted some kandi from an amazing human who welcomed Jake and me into his rave crew with open arms (everyone from the crew was awesome, might I add). New rave friends = the best of friends.

Group of Ravers at Get Together Festival

Jake (left) myself and our new pal Derek (right).

Gifting Kandi at Get Together Festival

Derek gifting Jake some kandi.

3. The Artists

As expected, the artists at Get Together absolutely killed it! Both nights were filled with dope tracks and high energy during every set. Personally, I have to give the best set award to Alison Wonderland. Regardless of my undying love for her, she genuinely brought the house down. Hitting the stage on Night Two, Wonderland had an interesting mix of her older hits flowing with her newer tracks, which added a lot of diverse flavor to her set. (I may or may not have gone HAM when she dropped I Want U, but that can be our little secret). I was also a big fan of the visuals she used from some of her music videos, entwined with her wicked light show. More than anything, I was really impressed with her level of crowd interaction. A. Wonderland was hyping the crowd from start to finish. She even gave a shoutout of encouragement for those struggling with mental health, which was really incredible of her.

We also need to appreciate the set from the icon himself, Diplo. Diplo was an absolute killer during his performance. The crowd was raging, the beats were bumping and the energy was incredible. If you ever get a chance to catch one of his sets, I strongly recommend you don’t miss out. Diplo fully lived up to his reputation and was definitely a highlight of the event.   

A few other personal favorite sets of mine were Loud Luxury, BTSM, TroyBoi and Illenium. (The feels train was in full force during Illenium. Totally epic).

Laser Beams at Get Together Festival

4. The Harm Reduction Team

Huge shout out to Indigo Harm Reduction for being at Get Together this year! I’m a huge advocate for harm reduction and safe raving, so I was pumped to see that Get Together was onboard. Indigo is an Edmonton-based team that provides harm reduction services and strategies that promotes education and support in a safe, judgment-free environment. Props to Get Together and Indigo for making safe raving a top priority.

Indigo Harm Reduction

Photo provided by Indigo Harm Reduction

5. The Production

As anticipated, Blueprint and Boodang nailed this event. For starters, I was really impressed with the stage production. The lights/laser shows during each set were killer, the visuals were rad and most importantly, the sound was fantastic. In my opinion, sound can either make or break and event. Personally, I can’t fully immerse myself in the music when something is slightly off, so I was pumped with the pristine sound quality. The sound was crisp and clear, with perfectly balanced bass, so I was able to completely focus on the music. I was also pumped Jake was able to still enjoy it with his earplugs in, even at a much quieter volume (a well-balanced bass was crucial for this, so I couldn’t be happier about it). Boodang and Blueprint fully delivered on all levels and came together (no pun intended) to host an epic way to ring in the new year.

Get Together Festival Production


Overall, Get Together 2018 was a great experience and was one of my favorite events. I had a blast from start to finish, and I’m really stoked that I got to be a part of it. (I was also in love with my festival outfits from savormeditation, which is just the cherry on top).

If any of my fellow ravers are headed up north to Alberta next December, I highly recommend partying at Get Together. It was the perfect way to ring in the new year with a bang.

Raver Girl at Get Togther Festival Wearing Rave Outfit and Light Up Goggles


If you want to keep in touch with either Jake or myself, feel free to follow us on Instagram! Jake @jlit_studiosMe: @_mroberts

]]> 2018-12-14T09:33:00-08:00 2022-03-03T13:44:50-08:00 Attending Get Together? Here's 5 Sets You Won't Want to Miss Kellie Burch Get Together is a two-day festival, held in the heart of Alberta’s capital city on Thursday, December 27, 2018 and Friday December 28, 2018. There are a TON of reasons why I’m jazzed about this year's event, but I am definitely most excited about the killer lineup! This event has a diverse mixture of artists that cater to Edmonton’s love for bass. Here’s my list of 5 sets you won’t want to miss. 


I am over-the-moon excited to send off 2018 at Get Together this year in Edmonton, Alberta. (Can I get a hell-yeah from all my Canadian ravers?)

Get Together is a two-day festival, held in the heart of Alberta’s capital city on Thursday, December 27, 2018 and Friday December 28, 2018. Get Together is an extra special treat for the ravers of the north (and anyone who likes a good time), because two of Western Canada’s leading forces in entertainment, Blueprint and Boodang, team up to create an exceptionally mind-blowing experience. There are a TON of reasons why I’m jazzed about this event (if you haven’t already done so, check out my blog post for everything you need to know about Get Together). However, I am definitely most excited about the killer lineup. This event has a diverse mixture of artists that cater to Edmonton’s love for bass. Here’s my list of 5 sets you won’t want to miss:

1. Alison Wonderland

Let me just start by saying, I am a huge A.Wonderland fan. I have been itching to catch one of her sets for years, so when I heard she was returning to Edmonton after 3 years, I knew this was a show I couldn’t miss. Like I mentioned in the linked article above, I think the anticipation of her long-awaited return will result in some serious energy from both herself and the crowd. The Australian-based producer dropped her latest Album, Awake (which is a banger, might I add) this past spring, and I think the mixture of her latest beats, insane love for her fans and epic stage presence will bring some serious electricity to the event.

I will be hyping myself up for her set with a classic song, and my all-time favorite of hers, “I Want U.”



2. TroyBoi

TroyBoi holds a special place in my heart, so I’m really looking forward to catching another one of his sets. I was introduced to the London-born artist at my very first rave, and his track, “After Hours,” has filled my heart with welcomed feelings of nostalgia ever since. TroyBoi is an entertainer, through and through. Known for his immense amount of energy and ability to hype the crowd, his performance is sure to be a highlight of the night for all my trap fans out there. If you and your squad are looking to get pumped TF up, hitting up TroyBoi’s set is a must. Bump his 2016 track, “And Wot?” for a little taste of what’s in store:


3. Diplo

It’s no secret that Diplo is a complete EDM powerhouse, so I’m really interested in seeing a live performance from such a diverse musical dynamo. Headlining night 1 at Get Together, Diplo is responsible for producing an insane amount of hit tracks. A few of my personal favourites are “Where Are Ü Now” with Justin Bieber and Skrillex, “Blame” with Zeds Dead and “After Hours” with TroyBoi, (mentioned above). He is also a founding member of the popular electronic groups Major Lazer, and Jack Ü with Skrillex, adding even more flavourful impact to the music scene. Saying Diplo has a diverse hand in the industry is a huge understatement. He is one of the most dynamic and influential artists in the game, so I can only imagine how that level of experience and musical diversity will shape his set. I’ve been really vibing his song “Electricity,” with Silk City, Dua Lipa and Mark Ronson:


4. Black Tiger Sex Machine

I love some super heavy beats that I can feel in the filthiest parts of my soul, so I’m stoked to catch my first BTSM set. (If I’m being honest, I’m currently jamming to them as I write this article). First of all, let’s acknowledge the fact that this trio is Canadian! (Automatic win). Second, let’s chat about their reputation for having one of the best live performances around. Filled with intense post-apocalyptic visuals, explosions of beats and sounds and a sickening amount of energy, it’s no secret why their sets tend to be packed with fans. I’ve been really feeling their song, “Broken Machines” from their 2018 album, New Worlds. Check it out:


5. Illenium

All aboard the feels train, because Illenium is headlining night 2 at Get Together and I couldn’t be more ready to vibe with my fellow ravers. If there was ever a time I knew there would be some loving energy connecting the souls in an event centre, it’s now. I really dig Illenium for that exact reason, his music reminds me of why I fell in love with rave culture in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, my first step into the EDM world was a love for the music. However, the culture behind electronic music goes so much deeper than that. It’s a radiating community filled with love, good vibes and acceptance, and Illenium’s beats remind me of that.

His song “Take You Down,” is a favorite of mine:  


There are a ton of other amazing artists attending Get Together this year! Check out the full lineup:

Get Together Lineup 2018

Photo Provided by Blueprint/Boodang/Get Together


If you're looking to attend Get Together, head to their website for information and tickets.

]]> 2018-12-07T11:09:00-08:00 2022-03-03T13:37:31-08:00 Get Together Festival 2018 Kellie Burch The end of 2018 is quickly approaching, and the time has come to find the perfect event to sign off your year with one last epic weekend. For all my Alberta ravers (and all those who want to party Canadian style), that ultimate year-end bash is Get Together in Edmonton, Alberta. Get Together is a two-night event, providing back-to-back parties on December 27 and December 28, 2018. Here’s a full rundown on what you need to know.


The end of 2018 is quickly approaching, and the time has come to find the perfect event to sign off your year with one last epic weekend. For all my Alberta ravers (and all those who want to party Canadian style), that ultimate year-end bash is Get Together in Edmonton, Alberta. Get Together is a two-night event, providing back-to-back parties on Thursday, December 27 and Friday, December 28, 2018.

Ready to give 2018 its proper farewell? Here’s a full rundown on what you need to know:

The Venue

Get Together is held at the Shaw Conference Centre, located in the heart of Alberta’s capital city. The Shaw is recognized as one of North America’s top five performing venues. It is commonly known for pushing the past the limits of normality and providing a truly exceptional experience for its guests. The event centre hosts a half a million guests each year. Trust me - they know a thing or two about hosting a good party.

Picture this: You and your squad walk into a beautiful glass building, fanny packs on and tickets in hand. As you make your way down the stairs to the main event hall, you can feel the vibrant energy of the ravers around you. Once your foot leaves that last step, you leave reality behind and walk into 150,000 square feet of electronic euphoria.

Crowd at Get Together Festival

Image Courtesy of Blueprint/Boodang/Get Together 


The Lineup

Get Together’s lineup is jam-packed with a variety of artists you don’t want to miss. The event has a dynamic lineup, catering to the city’s love for bass music with a heavy focus on trap and dubstep. Personally, I’m really looking forward to catching Alison Wonderland’s set. She hasn’t been to Edmonton since 2015, and I think that long-awaited return paired with the release of her Awake album this past spring will bring some serious energy, from both herself and the crowd.

Check out the full lineup (set times TBA):

Get Together Festival Lineup 2018

The Name

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the name Get Together? The most obvious answer: a gathering of friends. The event name means exactly that. Two of western Canada’s event powerhouses, Blueprint and Boodang, collaborate together for this special two-night event to provide guests with the ultimate entertainment experience. Combing their expertise, Boodang and Blueprint are able to maximize the amount of creativity, resources and energy being poured into every detail of the event, allowing for an experience truly like no other.

Confetti Dropping on Crowd at Get Together Festival

Image Courtesy of  Blueprint/Boodang/Get Together 



Based in Vancouver, BC, Blueprint is one of the largest lifestyle, concert and event hubs in western Canada. Known for their extraordinary events, Blueprint has become masters in providing innovative and cutting-edge entertainment for its patrons. Blueprint is highly recognized for being at the forefront of entertainment culture, offering an impressive scale of nightclubs, over 250 blow out dance events (annually), and numerous pubs and liquor stores. The expertise behind Blueprint is derived from a dedicated and forwarding-thinking team, with skilled leaders in a variety of fields. With a focus on current and upcoming trends paired with a relentless passion for their fanbase, Blueprint provides an exceptional entertainment experience from ticket purchase to night end.



Boodang has been a part of the Canadian dance music scene since 1999, and they have been groundbreaking pioneers for the EDM community ever since. In 2001, Boodang worked with the city of Edmonton to throw the first dance music event supported by a new city bylaw. By working with city officials, Boodang was able to lay the foundation for the electronic community in Edmonton, and continues to serve both the city and their fanbase as a trusted entertainment enterprise. Boodang has continued to dedicate themselves to their community, and in 2007 they became the first promoter to throw an event at the Shaw Conference Centre (owned by the city of Edmonton). Through their renowned reputation, elaborate events and loyal fans, Boodang has become a staple in Canada’s EDM community.  

Event FAQs:

  • This is an 18+ event. Attendees without a valid, government-issued photo ID will not be permitted into the event (there’s no exceptions, trust us). We don’t want to see any broken hearts at the entrance doors, so please make sure to remember your ID AND tickets!
  • Doors are from 8pm - 2am. Line times increase during peak times (see below). Pro tip: arrive early to avoid missing a set and standing in the cold. Keep in mind, Edmonton gets cold AF this time of year and it isn’t uncommon for the lineup to go out the door. Be smart, bring a jacket (savormeditation has tons of cute and affordable styles! Plus, there’s coat check available inside)
  • Familiarize yourself with event guidelines, prohibited and acceptable items, medical services and event entry details before arrival. For a full list of event dos, don'ts and need to knows, check out Get Together’s official FAQ page
  • According to the website, here are the average wait times to get inside the venue, depending on when you arrive:

    • 8:00pm-9:30pm 10-20 min
    • 9:30pm-10:30pm 30-40 min
    • 10:30pm-12:30am 45-60 min
    • 12:30am-01:30am 10-20 min
    • 1:30am-CLOSE 5-10 min
Get Together Festival

Image Courtesy of Blueprint/Boodang/Get Together 


Purchase Tickets ASAP

Event goers can choose between a day one only pass, a day two only pass, both day festival pass or both day VIP festival pass. Tickets are available for purchase through Live Nation, ticketmaster, and the official Get Together website (please note tickets purchased through the Get Together website are redirected to ticketmaster).

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