Photo Credit: Thomas Blase (T Blaze Photography)
April 19, 2018 | 0 COMMENTS

Many of us remember the first moment we heard electronic music. My first encounter with EDM music was dancing to DJ Sammyā€™s ā€˜Heavenā€™ on Dance Dance Revolution. After hearing that song, I began to explore similar sounds, stumbled upon electronic music, and I was immediately hooked. I couldnā€™t exactly explain why I loved it, but all I knew was that I wanted to get up and dance like crazy whenever I listened to it. To this day I still get the rush when I find a new song I immediately like, a new artist I need to see live, or even just hearing the lineup for festivals I've always wanted to go to. One day I was blasting an Ultra set in an empty classroom while grading homework, a co-worker overheard my music and asked why I cared about EDM music so much. I know I'm not the only one that feels defensive when it comes to the music I listen to, but how could I possibly explain my love for EDM to a friend who doesn't know what the genre is all about? Looking back on the situation more, here was what I wish I said:


The music possibilities are endless

There is so much new music coming out that you're bound to discover a new favorite artist! I regularly listen to Firebeatz presents Ignite Radioshow, Laidback Lukeā€™s Mixmash Radio, EDX No Excuses, and Above & Beyond Group Therapy Radio, just to name a few. I've been able to look through setlists with track name/artists I've never even heard of! If I'm not careful enough, sometimes I fall deep into the rabbit hole and spend hours listening to music. Sometimes, I feel sorry for those who only listen to top 40 music because those artists don't release as much new music as artists in the EDM music industry do.

virtualself stage setup
Photo Credit: Photo by Thomas Blase / T Blaze Photography


EDM gets the party going

Unless you're a genre snob, EDM can set the mood at house parties, open up the night at events, or even a fun night out! The same goes for going to the club: the openerā€™s job is to warm up the night with slower beats and gradually build up the crowdā€™s energy to get pumped for the headliner. I'm not a huge fan of house parties, but when someone puts on some good electronic music I can deal with being out instead of wanting to go back home to watch Netflix.

Above and Beyond, Life is Made Up of Small Moments Like these Text at EDM Show
Photo by Thomas Blase / T Blaze Photography


So many beautiful lives have been saved by EDM

If you have a friend that loves EDM, chances are that EDM saved their life or helped them through a dark time. I was going through a rough period during college and felt like my world was crumbling to pieces, but EDM helped me understand who my true friends were and I that I shouldn't let others define me. EDM speaks to many of us because we are the weirdos and outsiders of society and the general public doesn't see EDM music as ā€˜realā€™ music. Together, we make a fun pair!

We're Gonna Be Alright Text at EDM Show

Photo by Thomas Blase / T Blaze Photography


The EDM culture is exactly what this world needs

With all of the negative headlines that have been in the news lately, we need to sprinkle a dash of PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) to bring back the positivity. I try to live my life by PLUR, treating everyone how I want to be treated, living life one day at a time, and focusing on the positive. There are days when I watch the news and wonder why we have so much hatred for one another, but I try to remind myself that we all have our opinions and differences and it is up to us to set the example and be the change. We don't truly know what another person is going through unless we are able to have an open and honest conversation with one another, which is why we need a little bit of PLUR to understand and respect one another's opinions.

Whether it is the music or the culture, people should care about EDM music because it helps us overpower obstacles that we think are too difficult to handle. From music producers putting their sweat and tears into creating the perfect song or ravers that suffering from the struggles of reality, EDM brings joy and life into a dull world. In the end, everyone has their personal music preferences and we shouldn't force our beliefs on others and respect our differences. As long as we teach others what the music and culture is all about, there will hopefully be an understanding and respect for EDM music.

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