May 25, 2018 | 1 COMMENTS

For more than five years, Vanessa Haro has been creating makeup magic behind-the-scenes at savormeditation' photoshoots. No matter what look we are trying to achieve, this talented Makeup Artist is able to turn our already gorgeous models from natural to glam, to ultimate rave sparkle queen. Aside from being insanely talented, she's also extremely witty and very fun to work with. I was so excited to be able to talk to her more about her career and history with savormeditation, makeup tips and more. Get to know Vanessa in her interview below:


How did you get started with makeup?

I've loved makeup since I was a little girl, it's something I've studied since I could read; I always had my head in a book or magazine, there are makeup facts that I read at age 10 that still pop up in my conversations today. I started playing with doing other people's makeup when I was in high school but didn't actively pursue it as a full-time career until 5-6 years ago. I went to makeup school to get my foot in the door with internships, met amazing people along the way (like savormeditation photographer, Gregorio Campos), and it's been my life since.

Purple Lipstick and Festival Jewels

Princess Glam on @priscillacrystalg


Would you consider being a MUA your dream job? Can you tell us a little backstory about how you achieved your current level of success?

It really is a dream job! I worked in the corporate world for about 7 years before I changed careers. Although I learned a lot in my corporate days, I hated being locked up inside, doing the same mundane things every day. I was self-taught but knew I needed to find my way to a set, so I attended makeup school. Right after graduating, the school owner took me with her to a magazine shoot and the rush was something I was immediately addicted to. I have never felt happier or more at home than I do when I am working. I did a lot of unpaid work for practice, to build my portfolio, and really learn the ropes. About a year in, I met Gregorio Campos and we clicked creatively right away. He and I would shoot a few days a week, and we started getting clients and branching out. I credit Greg with so much of my success because he never let me give up and he still helps me now, he's like my brother!


What’s your favorite part of your job?

Making people feel beautiful. I have the privilege of working with women and men from ages 3 to 90; no matter what age we are, we still need to feel loved and noticed. Sometimes, I get to work on grandmas at weddings that haven't felt pretty in many years, and seeing their eyes sparkle with happiness when they're glammed up makes my heart so full!

Glitter highlight on rave girl wearing sequin criss cross halter top

Soft glam and glitter highlight on @love.you_em


What’s the most challenging part of your job?

Recently, is having to explain to everyday women that many of the photos they are comparing themselves to on Instagram or Pinterest are heavily edited and photoshopped. I get to work on all kinds of people, and the most beautiful ones in my eyes are the people that are genuinely happy and at peace with themselves. I wish more women would embrace that they are perfect in their own skin, that freckles and lines are a part of what makes them shine, that pores are meant to exist! I think because I get to be so close to so many people, I find magic and beauty in the little things that make us unique.


How/when did you begin working for savormeditation?

Gregorio Campos had me do makeup for a shoot with INTO THE AM (savormeditation' sister brand), which lead to us meeting CK, the Merchandise Manager, for both brands :), they've become like family since then!

What’s been your favorite savormeditation look that you created?

There are too many to list here! I love that I get to color outside of the lines on set with savormeditation!

Purple Sequin Halter Top and Festival Jewels and Faux Ring Choker

Matching glam for this "Dragon Scale" themed outfit, modeled by @alicetheromanca


Can you give us a few festival makeup tips for making your makeup/jewels stay on all night?

Spirit gum is your best friend, it has a great hold for jewels. Ben Nye Final seal setting spray is amazing.

Do you have any go-to products for doing festival makeup?

I try to use waterproof eyeliners and mascaras; my favorite liners are by Marc Jacobs (they don't budge!) and Lash Paradise Mascara from Loreal. Glitter is also a must, along with good glue. Note on glitter: if you are using it on your eyes, make sure it is marked as safe for eye use. Glitters that are too big, with corners, will cut up your eyeball and make for a very glitter-less few months after.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I started asking for makeup at age 2, haha. I'm also bilingual and a total bookworm speed reader.


If you could attend any music festival in the world, what would it be?

Probably EDC with the savormeditation family.


What's been your favorite rave-fashion trend that you've seen over the years?

The newest bodysuits from savormeditation that have off the shoulder tops and long flowing sleeves.

Flowey White Lace Crop Top and silver festival jewels

Groovy glam on @nikkiloulou_ , modeling the J. Valentine Far Out Lace Crop Top


Do you have any advice for other girls and boys seeking to become MUA?

Work hard, be kind, be honest, and be humble. It takes some time to get there, but if you stay consistent and connect with good people, you'll be fine. You have to have patience and ALWAYS remain a student, the second you think you know everything, you're out. Know your worth and stand up for yourself :)


Follow Vanessa's makeup adventures on Instagram, @makeupbynessa!


Angie Escarciga said:

Vanessa is amazing and very talented. She’s the only Makeup artist my daughter will go to. She once again did an amazing job on my daughter for Prom and photos captured it all. My daughter felt beautiful and they are some of the best photos she’s posed for. I credit Vanessa for her amazing work and making my daughter feel confident. We love you Vanessa!

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