Photo Credit: Orhun
February 14, 2020 | 0 COMMENTS

Festivals and raves are the funnest, happiest times of our lives, and are filled with -love! This article is dedicated to those who picked a festival to express their love to their significant other. I’ve gathered some stories of proposals from your fellow ravers to share with you this Valentine's Day.


@calikorra & @calicronk

My now husband and I got engaged at Lucidity Festival 2018. We took a detour to the river where he proposed. My group of friends convinced me that we were going to have a personal icebreaker and ritual, but it was actually a surprise proposal. Music has always been a big part of our lives. I’m extremely lucky to have found someone who completes me, can be crazy with me, and can dance together forever.” - 

Proposal at the Gorge

Proposals at Festivals




“My husband proposed to me at Electric Forest 2018! I was clueless. I thought we were taking a group picture/ doing some audio for his Radio Job. And next thing you know everyone was circled around me and he was on one knee asking me to marry him! It honestly was magical!”

Electric Forest Proposal

Proposal at Electric Forest



Although we had been friends for more than a year, my boyfriend and I had our first official date at Freaknight in 2014. We had a blast and became officially together shortly after that weekend! In 2015, we were planning to attend Freaknight again to celebrate our one year anniverasry. On Day 2, he asked me if I wanted to take a break from dancing and sit in the bleachers. Once we sat down, I was SHOCKED when he got down on one knee and proposed. After some happy tears and congrats from people surrounding us, we had the best time dancing for the rest of the night. We got married a year later, in 2016 and have been living happily ever after ever since. Halloween always holds a special place in our hearts, thanks to those two Freaknights!”   

Freaknight Proposa

Alex and I have been together for 5 years ❤ 

We began dating after meeting through mutual friends. We both love music, and fell into love with the scene shortly after we started dating. On my birthday, almost two years into our relationship, we attended Freaknight 2016 at the WaMu Theater in Seattle. With some of our friends dressed as the Incredibles, we went to the show -- Darrius as Frozone,  Kat as Violet, her hubby Alec as Syndrome, Alex as Mr. Incredible, myself as Mrs. Incredible.. I should've caught the reference.. but I didn't. We are big on kandi, so I thought nothing of it when Kat wanted me to close my eyes and trade with her. Once she said I could, I opened my eyes to see a Meeseeks perler, with two Meeseeks -- one with a top hat and one with a veil, with two rings behind them. 

Kat steps aside, and there is my man, on one knee, with all our friends around us, with our song "Us" perfectly timed he asked me to marry him, I said yes as the music transitioned into "Nobody Like You" with a shoutout from the man himself – my man had messaged Kaskade on twitter prior to and let him know his plan to ask. Kaskade let Alex know when he was going to play the two songs, so he could time the proposal. Needless to say, the whole thing was incredible.” 

Proposal at Freaknight Festival



My amazing husband to be asked me to marry him on the hill at Bass Canyon last year! Words can’t describe how beautiful and amazing the moment was but luckily he had some amazing friends there to capture every second! Being surrounded by the music, people and vibes was the perfect way to start out forever union, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life hopping from stage to stage with this cutie!”

Proposal at Bass Canyon in Washington


@thefinessdad & @thefitnessmama

It was Paradiso, 2017, my friends were ready to bring a human into this world, and a little birdy told me that Joe was going to ask Holly to be his wife during Porter Robinson. So as a fam, we watched Porter on the hill and waited for Joe to ask. The anticipation was real, and Porter was the perfect setting. So, of course, I had to take before pics:

Raver Giving Fellow Raver a Kiss on the Head

Photo Credits: @rymazing

I can’t remember what song Porter was playing but Joe got up and made that a set they both would never forget.

Couple Getting Engaged at Paradiso Festival At NIght

Photo Credits: @rymazing

I love both Joe and Holly so much and I’m glad I was able to experience this beautiful moment. 

@ch3lls3a_l3e & @chasehodge

Sunset Proposal at Paradiso

Picture Credit: Bass Canyon

“We arrived at the pre-party almost an hour late and my boyfriend, Chase went to fill his water pack. While he was trying to hurry his way back to me, he fell in a hole, rolled out of it and continued to find me. When he got to me he was in complete agony. His right shoulder was protruding up about 2 inches. After a long night in the medic tent, we missed the pre-party and just went to bed. The next morning we got up and went to the local ER. He tore his AC ligament. I spent most the time in the car crying and wanting to go home. By the time we got out of the hospital and back to the campsite, I had 40 minutes to get ready. My best friend was there waiting for me with my outfit. She helped me “Cinderella that shit” and we were off to the ball. The Dr from the night before, offered us a ride in, bypassing the lines so Chase’s arm wouldn’t get hit and bumped standing in line. Once we were in we found a cozy spot and let our freak flags fly. During Sullivan King’s set, he dropped Linkin Park's song, "Bleed it out", Chase grabbed me when the song was over and did a kandi trade with me. He then got on his knee, my bestie handed him a ring and he asked me to be his wife. When I said yes the crowd went crazy. And talk about making the moment ten times more magical, there happened to be a photographer there by the name of Jess Bernstein who captured the most perfect picture. Wedding bells on stage for Bass Canyon 2020? To read to whole story, follow our page on Facebook #fairlyoddraveparents” 


@theseattleone & @alexandra23renee

Proposal at Paradiso Festival Overlooking the Gorge

Photo Credits: Orhun

Girl Shocked After Proposal at Paradiso

Photo Credits: Orhun

Above & Beyond continues to just full send it, and brought us The ABGT Weekender. If you can't tell; Above & Beyond really like the Gorge. The stars aligned for this amazing weekend filled with friends and sun (and a little heat exhaustion for both Matt and I). July 27th at 4:30pm came and MY LIFE WAS CHANGED. That was the time I said, "yes" to probably the most important question I will ever be asked. That was the day my best friend got down on one knee, at the place we call home every summer and asked me to be his future wife while we were surrounded by sunshine, love, friends, and so many ecstatic strangers.


I witnessed this last proposal featured as well,  I just happened to be sitting on the hill at this exact moment. I was at the right place at the right time!

The happiness that radiated from both of the moments I got to experience were undeniably beautiful. These moments are forever, and I was blessed to be a part of them. 

Festivals are more than just music, fancy lights and partying- it’s a place for love to blossom and bonds to be formed. 

Happy Valentines Day from your friends here at savormeditation!

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