savormeditation - savormeditation Blog - Festival Fashion and Rave Culture 2024-09-19T14:40:04-07:00 savormeditation 2018-04-18T14:04:00-07:00 2022-03-03T13:22:42-08:00 Electric Zoo’s 10th Anniversary Kellie Burch There are a lot of reasons to be excited for Electric Zoo Festival this year, which is set to take place on Randall’s Island starting August 31, 2018. Native New Yorkers and tourists from all over the world will step into Ezoo’s most vibrant year to date, as it’s turning 10 years old! 


There are a lot of reasons to be excited about Electric Zoo festival this year, which is set to take place on Randall’s Island August 31 - September 2nd, 2018. Native New Yorkers and tourists from all over the world will step into Ezoo’s most vibrant year to date, as it’s turning 10 years old! Below are a few exciting things to look forward to during the wild birthday bash.



Over the years, Ezoo has stuck with their notorious animal and NYC themed aesthetic, which falls in alignment with its unique name. You can see the evolution of each stage dating back from the 2015 bird stage to 2016 - 2017’s Cobra and Elephant stages (all of which all have increased in size over the years). We are excited to see what Ezoo brings this year with their new and exotic birthday theme!


They aren’t kidding around when they say the lineup is stacked this year! With highly anticipated sets from artists such as Virtual Self, Porter Robinson, Martin Garrix, Kaskade, Marshmello, and Rezz (to name a few), we are expecting a seriously fun weekend. Stay tuned for the Phase 2 lineup announcement, coming soon!

Electric Zoo 2018 line up



Elrow, a European entertainment movement originating in Barcelona (seen before at EDCLV and Ultra in the U.S.), has expanded its residency to the NY festival scene and will make an appearance at Ezoo this year again. Expect tons of inflatables, confetti, outrageous costumes throughout the crowd, and fun time!

Delicious Food

The food and it’s vendors are without question some of the best festival food I have yet to indulge in. They also have many vegetarian and vegan options which as you know, aren’t always readily available at festivals (let’s change that, please)! In addition to the food variety between vendors, the lines move super fast for those of you in a rush to get to the next stage.


Cashless Wristbands

Ezoo requires you to load up your wristband with money in order to proceed with transactions, which really comes in handy when you want to avoid losing your wallet and or cash in the crowd. You won’t be able to try all the tasty food without it, so the cashless wristbands help to prevent that tragedy from happening.


Traveling to the Zoo

Ezoo has been in correspondence with NYC and has been listening to and answering our requests. Guests now have a multitude of commuting options such as ferries, subways, and walking over the 125th St bridge (my personal favorite because you have such a great view of the Island before you enter).


Not all heroes wear capes! Between the NYPD on patrol at all times, free water refill stations, and the staffed “zookeepers”, Ezoo definitely ensures security and safety to all of it’s festival goers. This should be reassuring for anyone attending this year!

Overall, Ezoo brings a great party to Randall’s Island (which is already a really cool venue). The 10th birthday celebration should be nothing short of awesome! 

]]> 2018-02-08T10:52:00-08:00 2022-03-03T13:15:52-08:00 The Commandments of PLUR Kellie Burch Whether you are an experienced raver or new to the scene, there is an unofficial set of guidelines every raver should live by and its important we all follow them! I took a poll on Instagram to see if my tips were aligned with that of other ravers. Check out my compiled list of the Top Commandments of PLUR


Whether you are an experienced raver or new to the scene, there is an unofficial set of guidelines every raver should live by and its important we all follow them! I took a poll on Instagram to see if my tips were aligned with that of other ravers. The list below seems to be the most common pieces of raving advice.

imagine music festival 2017


Stay Hydrated

This goes without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway. Giving your body enough of that wonderful H20 will go a long way, as we've all witnessed what dehydration can to do someone at a festival. Be conscious of your water intake and drink more than you usually would to compensate for all the raving you're doing! Visit our website for Hydration Backpacks to add some style to your efforts.

festival holographic hydration pack


Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Don't go "too hard" all at once. I've seen countless people burn out or have to leave a festival early because they didn't pace themselves. You spent a decent amount of money on festival tickets, so you want to enjoy every possible moment.

No Shoving:

Sometimes this is hard to control because the crowds have a tendency to get packed instantly. However, there's a difference between shoving and making your way through the crowd. Don't be that inconsiderate person who's pushing through people. "Excuse me" and "thank you" go a long way!

Don't Cut Lines:

Personally, this is my biggest pet peeve. Nothing is worse than waiting on a long line to get in and someone who just arrived cuts in front of you. Please be respectful and wait your turn, we're all anxious to get in.

Use the Buddy System:

Unless you're a pro raver and confident in your ability to get back to your friends/home, it can be dangerous for you to lose the people you came with. I personally suggest always traveling anywhere with a buddy. Also, always tell your crew where you are going and make sure you have a meeting spot since cell service might not work.


tie dye rave outfits

Or, Don’t use the Buddy System:

If you feel safe, confident and adventurous, raving alone can be a powerful, life-changing experience. Just make sure you’re careful of your surroundings and have a safe and reliable form of transportation/place after the event.

Bring a Flag/Totem:

This is mostly directed towards bigger groups. There are times when you will all split up from one another to see different DJ's or do different things. Do yourself a favor (and the rest of us) and get yourself a flag/totem so you can find your friends easily. Nobody likes a train of people holding onto one another tighter than Rose and Jack from Titanic.

funny alien festival flag


Keep an Open Mind

You'll be exposed to people, cultures, and fashion styles from all walks of life. Try remember that people come to festivals not only to see their favorite music artists but to let loose and "be themselves."  Leave your judgements at home and keep your mind open.

Look Out for One Another

Other than staying hydrated, this is probably the most important unofficial rule for ravers. If you see someone who looks ill, lost, or out of place, don't hesitate to approach them to try and help or notify a trusted member of a safety service like Conscious Crew or Ground Kontrol. Nothing feels better than someone you've never met looking out for you, which is one of my favorite aspects of rave culture. We're family!

Whether this is all new information or you've heard all of this before, it's always good to revisit this list and share it with newbies. Consider it the Holy Grail of festivals. Rave smart, everyone!


]]> 2018-01-03T14:25:00-08:00 2022-03-03T13:15:54-08:00 New Years Resolutions for the Raver Kellie Burch However cliché you think it may or may not be, New Years resolutions have been around for 4,000+ years and experts say they are as relevant and beneficial today as they were upon first usage. As 2018 is slowly nearing, people are taking the time this holiday season to reflect introspectively and put goals into place for the New Year.


However cliché you think it may or may not be, New Years resolutions have been around for 4,000+ years and experts say they are as relevant and beneficial today as they were upon first usage. As 2018 is slowly nearing, people are taking the time this holiday season to reflect introspectively and put goals into place for the New Year.

Whether it be quitting a bad habit or adapting to new lifestyle changes, this is the time where self evaluation is at an all time high and I am here to help provide you with useful suggestions & tips on how to be your best damn self.

  • Be Realistic
  • Keep this in mind while you go through my blog post (or any others for that matter). It is very important that you set realistic goals for yourself that are doable in regards to your lifestyle/schedule. I often see people burning out too early on because they tried to tackle too much all at once. Remember, slow & steady wins the race! Also, try to pick 2-3 goals that are meaningful to you. The biggest mistake you can make going into 2018 is doing what society tells you to do.  

    Exercise More:

    Looking to achieve your ideal festival bod? Remember, “There is no try, only do!”

    Set an ideal workout schedule and commit to a reasonable amount of time to get started. Consider downloading an app on your phone with push notifications to remind you it’s time to get your workout on. Or, use the old-fashioned buddy sytem to hold yourself accountable.

    Eat Healthier:

    I know you're probably thinking "wow, a novel idea!" However, i'm not here to tell you that you need to revamp your entire diet or completely cut things out.We're trying to be realistic here, right? Remember, moderation and meal prepping are key! Don’t try to overdo it, either. Simple ingredients can still be delicious and healthy. Remember, these same tips apply when traveling to festivals! You won’t regret stocking up a cooler full of healthy, yet simple snacks like apples and peanut butter, carrots and hummus, protein bars, etc. Snacks like this go a lot further than filling up on empty calories like chips, to help keep you fueled to dance all night long.

    Take Care of Your Mind & Soul:

    If you’re anything like me, post festival depression (PFD) can hit pretty hard, which usually tends to happen when there’s festival drought in early Jan/Feb. Going for a walk to reconnect with nature, morning meditation, or unplugging from technology for a little while have been said to improve your mental health and most certainly are remedies for PFD.

    Try New Things:

    Find a new hobby (if you’re looking for something rave-related, check out our light-up toys here), read new books, be open to trying new foods, travel to a new place (or festival!) or simply head to a new stage you’ve never been to. There is no shortage of experiences waiting for you to try out. You never know, it could open a lot of doors for you!

    Rave Smarter:

    Not saying you’re not already being smart but there is always room for improvement when it comes to raving, both for yourself and others. Do your best to look out for other ravers in need, whether it be making sure everyone has had enough water or giving someone toilet paper when there is none left (seriously, it saves lives). We are a close community and need to collectively to ensure safe and happy raving.

    Give Back To the Community/EDM Community:

    Keep the spirit of PLUR alive and do something this year to give back and support either your community, world, or other people. It goes without saying that offering to volunteer at a festival, support festivals local artists & vendors, and becoming more involved in general would benefit our entire community of ravers! Try checking out some great organizations like Conscious Crew, Ground Kontrol or PLUR Sisters for starters.

    Spread Good Vibes

    Although last on the list, this is indubitably the most important resolution you can do for yourself and others. Spend more time with the people you love, strike up a conversation with someone new, be honest every single day (with yourself and others), and be kind. Life isn’t always easy but spreading good vibes is contagious and as ravers, it’s our responsibility to do just that.
