January 20, 2020 | 1 COMMENTS

As we start the new year, savormeditation has spent some time reflecting on all the memories that have happened in the last decade. From evolving fashion trends (RIP fluffies), to career changes, attending hundreds of festivals, and more - a lot can change in a decade, that's for sure! We've laughed, we've cried, and most of all - we've grown even more thankful for the wonderful community that makes up the rave world. We thought it would be fun to share some tidbits about how some of Team savormeditation' members have changed over the last 10 years.

Without furtherĀ ado, check out this Q&A (and some funky, fabulous pictures) featuring Mama Unicorn, Tiny Dancer, Pixxie Stix and Baby Nova below!



You've been a part of savormeditation since the beginning. How have you and the company grownĀ in the last decade?

I've been a part of savormeditation for the last 8 years! It's been so fun watching it grow over the years - from one of my first vending events to our first unicorn crew in 2013, iHeart has grown infinitely over the years and I have, too! I've had years of experience, growth, friendship, and most importantly teamwork.Ā Being a part of iHeart since the beginning isĀ a reminder of how you think you shape something but in reality, it shapes you.

I'm so grateful forĀ everyone who has supported us along the way -Ā  you are amazing and Iā€™m soĀ lucky to haveĀ this amazing community that has grown with & supported our brand. You are what savormeditation stands for and the reason why I come to work every day!Ā 

Mama Unicorn Throwback Post


How many festivals have you been to since 2009?

90 festivals - I literally had to go back and count this. Keep in mind these are only festivals and not counting solo tour shows or club events....šŸ˜… The most festivals I went to in 1 year was 20.

Tiny Dancer at Electric Forest


Have you made any friends through raving since 2009 that you stay in touch with?Ā 

Absolutely! One of my good friends Denny was a glover I met through YouTube in 2008. We used to give feedback on each other's light show videos and share our fav trance tracks through YouTube Messages. We finally met up at a rave in 2009 and have stayed in touch ever since! He's like family to me, we still hang out and he's still always sending me the best trance sets. There are also a lot of people I don't necessarily hang out with but I have literally been running into them at shows for 10 years. I love it! The energy between us never changes, it's always the same love and the same enthusiasm for the music. It makes me happy that there are people I can share that feeling with over the years.Ā 

Tiny Dancer


Top 3 favorite festivals (and years) of the decade and why?


Nocturnal 2011 -Ā This was the first year Nocturnal upgraded to a 2 day festival. Insomniac really stepped up their game with this one and made it truly epic, decking out the festival grounds with music, lights, and attractions. Not to mention this was an incredible time for music - this was a time when Sweedish House Mafia and Avicci made ways for the new sounds of big room house and even Anjunabeats had people like Arty and Mat Zo making some major bangers on the dance floor.

I also remember being so stoked because I made a Kaskade shirt and got into his after-movie!

Tiny Dancer on Kaskade Youtube Video

EDC Las Vegas 2014Ā - THE YEAR OF THE KINETIC CATHEDRAL! An incredible year for EDC Las Vegas featuring some of my favorite sets ever from Above & Beyond and Eric Prydz. I coordinated an America theme with my rave squad that made for some epic photos and memories.

America Themed Rave Squad

Tiny Dancer and Brother

My brother & I at EDCLV 2014

Ā Ā 

ABGT 250 (2017) -Ā hands down the best vibes I've ever encountered at a festival. I got there was like, "THIS is what commUNITY feels like!" It was also the first time I'd done a camping festival with my friends. We came together for the same purpose and pulled off something we could have never done alone! The weather was perfect, the venue was incredibly beautiful, and my heart was so full. I was personally going through a bit of a rough patch when I left for the festival but the music and the love I experienced from my friends and the other Anjunabeats family really lifted my spirits and made me feel like everything was going to be ok.Ā 


Above and Beyond at the Gorge


Squad at ABGT at the Gorge


How have you changed as a raver and a person in the last decade?

I think that when I initially started going to raves I was living in a different reality than I do now. There were a lot of uncertainties in my life and situations I had no control over. I kind of felt like I was going through life with no safety net and it was a bit scary. Raves were an escape from that reality. Though I was just as obsessed with the music as I am now, back then raves gave me a sense of security and community that I felt was lacking in my personal life. Raves actually built me up quite a bit and I don't know who I would have been today without this community. Through my experience, I have found a greater perspective in life. I go to raves to celebrate the things I've gained in life rather than to forget what I'm lacking. I've worked hard to build a life I'm happy with and surround myself with friends that have become family. My purpose at events is not to forget, but to make memories I'll remember forever with people I love.

Oh and of course....I think my fashion sense has gotten a tad better for sure lol.


Tiny Dancer at Paradiso Festival



How many festivals have you been to since 2009?



How has your fashion sense evolved over the last decade?Ā 

My festival fashion sense has evolved into being the most extra I can be. When I first started raving and festival-ing I pretty much wore what I considered to be the "standard" so for raving that was a beaded bra or beaded butterfly top and a tutu with fluffies.Ā 

Tutu Rave Fashion 2009



For festivals - I definitely had a more bohemian, hippie style and wore lots of earth tones in the beginning!Ā 

Bohemian Rave Fashion

Now - its definitely the brighter, the better and I think about every element of my look from what eyeliner I am going to wear to what necklaces will best compliment the look.

Tessla Venus at Beyond Wonderland


If you could re-live any festival from this decade, what would it be & why? Would you change anything?

I would love to re-live Coachella 2010 or Desert Hearts 2014. For Coachella, it was my first West Coast festival and I can't remember being so excited for anything in my life. I truly believed it would change the course of my life and in many ways- it did! I saw so many incredible acts such as The XX (the year of their first album), Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros (the year Home came out) Jay Z, Bassnectar (The year Bass Head came out), Muse, LCD Soundsystem, MGMT, and so many more. If I went back I would just have taken a little more care of my self as far as the basics go - eating, drinking water, sunscreen & enough sleep!

Coachelle 2010

My first Coachella!

For Desert Hearts, that first year opened up my ears to the deep, trippy, melodic techno I love so much today. I'll never forget hearing Marbs or Dance Spirit for the first time. I felt like I was being re-born.Ā  I also heard a legendary TECHNO set by Desert Dwellers. I was so inspired by that festival, it made me change the course of my life and work in festivals full-time as a vendor coordinator for 5 years. I wouldn't change a thing.Ā 

Desert Hearts Festival Fashion



Top 3 favorite festivals (and years) of the decade and why?

1st: 2018 EDC LV-Ā Nothing beats being under the Electric Sky in Las Vegas. This was my 3rd EDC LV.. so I really knew my way around the festival. I went with my girl squad we coordinated outfits every day and went with 0 expectations and had an unforgettable time. Listened to my first live Illenium set - do I need to say more?Ā  There's something magical about EDC, it's truly an amazing festival from start to finish.Ā 

EDCLV 2018

2nd- Audiotisitc 2019-Ā Ā I was already obsessed with house music - this festival only amplified it. So many good vibes, groovy beats, and fabulous fashion. I was in HOUSE HEAVEN. The first time Anti-Up a.ka. (Chris lake x Chris Lorenzo) ever blessed my ears. I haven't been the same since.Ā 

3rd- Groove Island 2019 -Ā Totally different vibe than I'm used to, but it made me appreciate the scene so much more. The Groove Cruise Rave Fam is a seasoned but just as fun crowd. This festival was literally on the Catalina Island beach, it was breathtakingly beautiful every sunset we saw. My sister and I finally saw one of our favorite DJ's of all time, Sam Felt and it was just the most tropical and happy vibes.Ā 

Groove Cruise ISland


What was your favorite fashion trend from the last decade?

Favorite festival fashion trend from this last decade goes hands down to....PLATFORMS! Seriously completes any look, the moment you put those bad boys on, I bet you'll be feelin' like a million bucks!

My collection has grown so much in the last 4 years I don't think I would ever attend a festival without them. Every raver needs to try them at least once in their life.Ā 

Platform Shoes at Escape HalloweenĀ 

Whatā€™s your top few favorite pieces of kandi youā€™ve made or been gifted?

I have about 3 favorite pieces:

1st:Ā My sister is the QUEEN of Kandi cuffs and she's given me my 2 favorites. One is a Sun & Moon Pearler Cuff. "Our DJ" is Above & Beyond. We symbolize the sun and moon in each other lives so during EDC 2016 during their set she traded it to me while Sun & Moon was playing. I'm not crying your crying!Ā 

2nd:Ā  I graduated from Arizona State University in May 2018 and later that month we celebrated at EDC LV, My sister surprised me with another Cuff.Ā  This one was my school's colors and with letter spelled out "You will always be my role model" It has a light-up graduation hat hanging from it. She's always so thoughtful.

3rd:Ā During my first EDC LV with iHeart, we were walking around and this guy came up to us and pulled me aside. He had TONS of different kinds pearlers on and he asked to connect heads. He traded me the BIGGEST Stich Kandi Pearler Necklace. I was in such awe. It was a very special moment with a stranger that now became a friend.


John said:

This blog isnso wholesome and awesome! And the photo of Denny is so incredible.

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