Alex Jennison | July 24, 2015


What started as a small party on a family farm has since grown to become one of Canada’s most beloved festivals. From August 7 -10, Shambhala will take place on that same farm, but its family has expanded to a sold out crowd of over 10,000 each year.

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Dot Yuson | July 17, 2015


When I first heard about Electric Forest shutting down the DanceSafe booth all I could say was, ‘”WTF?!’” DanceSafe had been at Electric Forest in the previous years so why were they shut down this year? Reading directly from DanceSafe’s website, DanceSafe Nation’s Outreach Director Mitchell Gomez said that the Crafting Vending Coordinator sent complaints asking them to change certain services (in which they immediately complied to).

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We Came, We Danced, We...Totally Destroyed the Place?
Dot Yuson | July 02, 2015

We Came, We Danced, We...Totally Destroyed the Place?

Hundreds of thousands of people partying at one place for a few days during a festival is bound to have a dramatic effect on the environment. Attending a festival or rave is not only a vacation, but also a chance to escape for many. Though, it seems they forget they still need to clean up after themselves and leave no trace of the party that went on – even while on vacation. After seeing some photos from Glastonbury Festival 2015, I thought it might be important for us to visit this damage and remember that we are responsible for clean up as attendees.

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Dot Yuson | June 30, 2015


Most festival goers buy general admission or GA tickets. Every event that I have ever gone to, I have always had a general admission ticket. Only the lucky few have the resources to shell out hundreds more for a VIP ticket. I mean general admission is already expensive as it is. Add in travel expenses, outfits, drinks, and so on – it definitely adds up quickly! I never thought twice about getting a VIP ticket, but this year for EDC Las Vegas, some of my friends waited until the last moment to buy tickets and all that was left were VIP tickets.

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Going to an EDM Show Alone: Travel Edition
Dot Yuson | June 11, 2015

Going to an EDM Show Alone: Travel Edition

Many say that your crew is the most important thing when you go to an EDM event. While I agree that many of my best nights are thanks to the amazing people I was with, it is also incredibly frustrating whenever my friends don’t want to go to see the same artists that I do. What happens then is that I'd end up missing those artists. I’m sure this is a pretty typical #raverproblem.

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Pros vs. Bros: How to Not Creep on Girls at a Festival
Dot Yuson | May 29, 2015

Pros vs. Bros: How to Not Creep on Girls at a Festival

Say you’re at a festival and you see that one girl with an amazing smile, pumping her fist away. You realize through the flashing neon lights and streams of fluorescent lasers that there is something unique about her, invoking this new-found urge to get her attention. Before you could go talk to her, a flood of insecurities and doubts halts your steps and forces you to rethink the whole situation.

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Flirty vs. Friendly
Dot Yuson | March 08, 2015

Flirty vs. Friendly

I’m used to anyone coming up to me and striking up a conversation whether it may be about the DJ playing, my outfit, or rave life in general. In fact, I love it when people come up to talk to me because that means I have a friendly aura. On the flip side, there’s also the chance that a guy comes up to me because he thinks I’m single and wants to flirt with me. I’ve had some pretty weird experiences with guys hitting on me at events, but one of the weirdest moments was at San Jose State’s Jack Yo Lantern. I was dancing and having a good time when a guy came up to me, took my hand, and said that I looked good in my outfit.

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Kandi Surgical Mask Tutorial
Dot Yuson | March 04, 2015

Kandi Surgical Mask Tutorial

Hey guys, I’m back with another lovely tutorial for you all. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the studio, but I’m happy to be back. We’ve gotten a lot of requests for this surgical kandi mask and I’m so excited to finally be able to share it with you! I know a mask is a little difficult to create and it may take a while, but don’t get frustrated and if you get lost or have any questions at all, please leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you. If you’d like to see a particular tutorial, let us know! 

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The 5 Types of People in Your Rave Family
Dot Yuson | February 26, 2015

The 5 Types of People in Your Rave Family

A rave family consists of many kinds of people, a colorful group of individuals that have wonderful quirks. Everyone has a role in the group whether they know it or not. And whether we like it or not, we sometimes do need these kinds of people in our group. They keep us grounded (or in other cases, literally on the ground) and have our backs no matter what situation we’re in.

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How To Clean Your Fluffies
Dot Yuson | November 13, 2014

How To Clean Your Fluffies

Alright ladies! It’s Monday after that 3 day festival and your fluffies look…well let’s face it…ratchet. All that shuffling, womping, trudging through festival dirt, stomping up and down stadium stairs, porta potty visits, and main stage crowd dancing has left your pristine fur and beautiful fluffies a sad shade of dirty. So here’s a quick and easy guide to cleaning your fluffies!

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