June 13, 2024 | 0 COMMENTS
One of the most important things to us at savormeditation is bringing rave culture to life in our clothes. To do that, we launch collaborations with ravers in the scene who not only embody PLUR in their everyday lives, but bring part of that rave culture to life in new ways. Liya Kitten is great example of that.

With her handmade Kandi and rave accessories, her interpretation of kandi culture comes to life in our new collection in collaboration with her. Learn more about the inspiration behind it and about her styling tips in the interview below: 

iHR: Tell us a bit about the collection: What inspired it? What concepts are you excited to bring to life?
Liya Kitten: I've always been passionate about the kandi culture and I've always want to incorporate it into my designs and products. Another concept I'd like to experiment with is a crossover between rave and stripper fashion since I work as a dancer as well.
Liya Kitten x iHR Kandi Land Side Tie Bottoms, Top and Arm Sleeves

iHR: What were some of the challenges you faced in creating this collection?
LK: I would say that I'm very particular about what I want and I need to be completely satisfied with the final result before I approve it. I've had the idea of creating this clothing line since January 2023, more than over a year ago but I wasn't completely happy with the pattern design I had at the time. I almost gave up on the idea of having my own rave clothing collection until savormeditation reached out to me, it was then I decided I need to fix the pattern design. So in a way I feel like it is meant to be, a way of universe sending me help. 

iHR: The designs you sell in your store have so much detail. How do you come up with them?
LK: Brainstorming and writing down all my ideas, then adjust and change until I'm happy with the final result.

iHR: Do you have a favorite piece you've ever made?
LK: My favorite piece and design is the kandi heart with hands. I like the color pink and the design is very me.

iHR: As a queer raver, what does the rave community mean to you?
LK: Acceptance and be comfortable with my body, also to freely express myself.

iHR: Which festivals are you most excited for this year?
LK: Tomorrowland in Belgium! It will be my first time and I'm very excited.

iHR: Favorite festival memory?
LK: Having a vendor booth at Camp EDC in 2022. Being able to experience the festival as a vendor and seeing my brand being inside EDC means a lot to me. It still makes me feel emotional thinking about it.

iHR: If you created a piece of kandi right now, what would it say?
LK: Sunshine, my dog's name. :)

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