June 27, 2024 | 0 COMMENTS

There's rave family and then there's real family, and sometimes we're lucky enough that our rave family is our real family. This is true for Betsy and Jasmin, who are sisters both at the rave and in real life, as well as in the office at savormeditation. We can't get enough of their sisterly love for each other, so we worked with them to launch the new Sister Sister collection, available now!

Learn more about Betsy and Jasmin, and the collection below!Ā 

iHR: Tell us a bit about the Sister Sister collection: What inspired it? What concepts are you excited to bring to life?

Jasmin: From our childhood days of matching our looks to curating a collection that reflects our unique bond and individual styles, this journey has been a dream come true.
Betsy: Our personal styles really inspire us, Jas's style being girly and Betsy's being more edgy the baby pink & black lace was the perfect combination.

iHR: What were some of the challenges you faced in creating this collection?

Betsy & Jasmin: We both thought this process would be more challenging than we thought. I think we both thought we were going to bump heads & bicker like we often do in real life but once we started bouncing around ideas we started having so much fun and it all just worked out,Ā thankfully!Ā 

Sister Sister Dress Outfit

iHR: As sisters you probably have a lot of similar tastes when it comes to personal style, but also some differences. What are some things you both love when it comes to festival fashion? What styles are uniquely separate?

Betsy & Jasmin: We do have tons of similarities. We both love to exude bad bitch energy so PLATS is a non negotiable. We're big on the accessorizing head to toe.Ā Where we differ, Jas is definitely the most colorful between us two. Betsy is always rocking a black or neutral fit.

iHR: Betsy, you're on the creative team at iHR, where do you turn to for inspiration?

Betsy: I've been reading & buying magazines since I was 7. Pop culture has been a huge source of inspiration to me during my creative journey at iHR. This collection means so much more than any campaign we've ever shot because I get to create & shoot with my sister. <33

Sister Sister Outfit

iHR: What are each of your strategies for putting together a look?

Jas:Ā I start with finding a piece that I love. Whether that's platforms, a cute fit, or an accessory I want to highlight.Ā Then build from there!

Betsy:Ā I always stick to something that I know will make me feel the most confident. It's usually always black & edgy. Raves bring out the Scorpio in me.Ā 

iHR: How far in advance do you plan your looks?

Jas:Ā I try to plan at least a month and that gives time for any adjustments.Ā 

Betsy:Ā I'm guilty of planning my outfits the week of.Ā 

iHR: Which festivals are you most excited about this year?

Jas:Ā EDC Orlando! It's my first one. I go to EDCLV every year and there's a specific kind of magic and I'm excited to see if the magic carries over to Orlando!

Betsy:Ā At the moment I don't have any festivals planned, but excited to for any last-minute adventures that may land in my lap.

iHR: Favorite festival memory?

EDCLV 2018 was our favorite festival memory together. Jas just turned 21. It was the first year we made a connection with the girls who worked at savormeditation. They invited us to hang out at a Marquee day club then following the night invited us back out to Haakasan to watch above & beyond and we've been friends with the team ever since.

That night definitely planted the seed for our careers with the brand. Betsy started working a few months later and Jas became a model shortly after fast forward 5 years she's working on the marketing team.Ā 

iHR: If you created a piece of kandi right now, what would it say?

Jas:Ā Meet me at the afters

Betsy:Ā Life is made of small moments like this

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